Rock & Roll In Your Email?

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

You groggily stumble from bed and turn onrepparttar computer as you pass by on your way torepparttar 121755 kitchen. Returning withrepparttar 121756 morning's first cup of coffee you fire up your browser and log-on torepparttar 121757 web as you takerepparttar 121758 first few eye-opening sips. Downloading your personal email, you notice your favorite Bruce Springsteen song title inrepparttar 121759 subject line ofrepparttar 121760 seventh email message and open it first.

There is a photo ofrepparttar 121761 Boss (that's Springsteen to you non-fans) smiling out at you fromrepparttar 121762 email window above a small button that is labled "Play". Expecting to hear some good music, you clickrepparttar 121763 button and Bruce Springsteen springs to life in your email! He's talking to you! Not at you, but to you, using your name! "Good morning Mike! It's time for a concert update."

Howrepparttar 121764 *!?*)@(! do they do that? You have been looking forward to his concert this coming week and can't believe your ears as Springsteen continues to talk with you, mentioning your 3rd row, center seat number and reminding you of concert time this Thursday evening. You are tempted to answer him as he pauses and smiles but thenrepparttar 121765 opening riff of guitar begins of your favorite song fromrepparttar 121766 new album andrepparttar 121767 Boss is performing for you from your email box!

He pauses and tells you that you can order his newest album fromrepparttar 121768 form below and asrepparttar 121769 video finishes andrepparttar 121770 music fades you scroll down to find a "Buy it Now!" button. There is no need to enter any credit card information as it was saved when you purchased your concert tickets online. You are just about to clickrepparttar 121771 "Buy" button when you notice there is a search function just below that. You've been wanting to find a copy of an out of production CD and type inrepparttar 121772 title inrepparttar 121773 search box and click "Search".

The results come back fromrepparttar 121774 entire music collection of this record label to announce that you can purchase that CD online now and pick it up at your local record store tomorrow! You clickrepparttar 121775 checkbox to order that title and see that you can buy your concert memorabilia now and wear that sweatshirt torepparttar 121776 concert by picking it up atrepparttar 121777 same record store. Whatrepparttar 121778 heck. You clickrepparttar 121779 "Buy" button just as your spouse emerges fromrepparttar 121780 bathroom with her toothbrush working.

Make your Website Talk with just One Click!

Written by Merle

What'srepparttar most important thing you can offer your customers? If you said "support" give yourself an A+. Incorporating live customer service into your website is one ofrepparttar 121754 best ways to assist those who browse your site and may have questions. Yes, they can send an e-mail to you and wait a day or two forrepparttar 121755 answer, but byrepparttar 121756 time you replyrepparttar 121757 buying mood may have already passed. Another opportunity missed.

So how do you offer live on-the-spot support? Well, it can be done with a simple text chat button or with voice over IP, aka VOIP, or a combination ofrepparttar 121758 two.

So now that I have your attention you may be wondering how to accomplish this fine feat. Believe it or not,repparttar 121759 following services won't cost you a dime and are easy to implement.

Human Click:

No software to run on your system. You connect to their server every time you log ontorepparttar 121760 Net and a small doorbell graphic resides atrepparttar 121761 bottom of your screen. Once you download and register as an operator, you are given a small amount of HTML code to cut and paste onto your pages. This places a small display box that says "click here to talk to an operator".

When someone enters you're notified by a doorbell sound just as if someone were at your "real" front door. All repparttar 121762 visitor needs to do is clickrepparttar 121763 box to initiate a text conversation with you at anytime during his or her visit. When you double click onrepparttar 121764 doorbellrepparttar 121765 operator window pops up where you can seerepparttar 121766 host name, pages viewed, and other information aboutrepparttar 121767 present visitor in your site.

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