Ringing Doorbells Without Howitzers

Written by Brent Filson

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided torepparttar author, and it appears withrepparttar 119475 included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to: brent@actionleadership.com

Word count: 700 =========================================== Summary: Reducing costs through wholesale layoffs may provide quick hits on balance sheets, but its clumsy blows can disrupt operations. Brent Filson shows operations leaders a surprisingly more effective way to achieve cost reductions as well as enhanced efficiencies. =========================================== Ringing Doorbells Without Howitzers by Brent Filson

Many operations leaders have been there, done that with re-engineering. And they report, in effect, thatrepparttar 119476 process is like ringing a doorbell with a howitzer shell.

Reducing costs through wholesale layoffs ostensibly tied to ultimate results provides quick hits on balance sheets, but its clumsy blows can raise hell with operations.

Operational results can be achieved consistently with precision and power not when people are taken out ofrepparttar 119477 organization but instead put back in.

"Putting people in" doesn't mean adding headcount but instead putting people intorepparttar 119478 mix of vital factors that contribute to operations results — having power with people, not over people.

Just as we're supposed to use only a fraction of our brains' capabilities, so I'm convinced, working with businesses in major industries, that few organizations come close to achieving their potential operational results.

That's because many operations leaders ignore one ofrepparttar 119479 most important aspects of operational effectiveness:repparttar 119480 human heart.

When I speak ofrepparttar 119481 heart, I speak of that intuitive, emotional, feeling aspect of all of us.

No question: It's not just technology and equipment that drives operational success. It's employees. Clearly, they must be skilled and knowledgeable, but they also must be emotionally committed to their work. They must be motivated.

Yet most operational strategies and programs focus on rational not emotional/motivational considerations and so let great opportunities slip away.

To understand how quantum leaps in results can be achieved, far beyond re-engineering's capabilities, let's view operations three big drivers —— cost-reduction, productivity and efficiency — in terms of motivational factors.

Cost-reduction: Operations founder when they fail to achieve continuous cost-reductions. A leader of a world manufacturing organization told me, "One of my most tenacious leadership challenges is motivating employees to never stop getting costs out of our plants and processes."

Lesson: Cost-reduction is a leadership issue. It's an issue in which leaders don't order people to do a job but motivate those people to want to dorepparttar 119482 job. It's inrepparttar 119483 realm of want to that significant cost reductions take place.

Creating Unlimited Belief for Success!

Written by Richard Gorham

What's holding your team back from experiencing "breakout performance"?

It may be those Old beliefs and Personal Insecurities (aka: conceptual barriers)?

Conceptual barriers arerepparttar barriers that are right behindrepparttar 119474 eyes, DEEP withinrepparttar 119475 brain. "Beliefs" which were planted at a very young age and re-enforced over a long period of time - which is why they are so hard to "dislodge".

Userepparttar 119476 following exercise to help your team members identify their limiting beliefs and feelings. Then explain how those beliefs and feelings directly impact (positively and negatively) their bottom-line results. Before we proceed, keeprepparttar 119477 following quote in mind - it's a powerful reminder of why it is so important to complete sales management activities.

"Successful people DO, what unsuccessful people are not willing to do." - Unknown

Here arerepparttar 119478 Four Steps to Overcome Conceptual Barriers:

Step One - Uncover Negative Self-Talk

Askrepparttar 119479 employee to tell you what he or she "least" enjoys about each step ofrepparttar 119480 sales management process. Follow up by asking how that particular aspect ofrepparttar 119481 process makesrepparttar 119482 employee feel. For example: - Prospecting/Cold Calling - (feels like I am intruding) - Asking forrepparttar 119483 Business - (feels like I am being pushy) - Cross-Selling/Up-Selling - (feels like I am taking advantage) - Assumptive Closing - (feels like I am being presumptuous)

Step Two - Identify Beliefs that arerepparttar 119484 root source of negative feelings toward sales management practices. Go back to our prior examples of Old Beliefs that get inrepparttar 119485 way of our progress inrepparttar 119486 sales management process: - Don't talk to strangers - It is impolite to talk about money - Never interrupt important people - Wait to be asked

Helprepparttar 119487 employee understand and be aware of why it is that they may feelrepparttar 119488 way they do.

Employees should understand that they feelrepparttar 119489 way they do for a reason. Once they understand this it can be much easier for them to make a decision to overcome their old belief(s).

Step Three - Turn Limiting Beliefs into Unlimited Possibility!

Illustraterepparttar 119490 following to your employee so they can clearly see how their beliefs and feelings ultimately "pre-determine" their outcome.

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