Right Thinking

Written by Daniel N. Brown

Nothing ever happens by chance. Everything, good or bad, that comes into our lives is a result ofrepparttar thoughts we have engaged in, or by what God has ordained to get our attention.

I believe we create our own luck, whether it be good or bad. Consciously, or unconsciously, we may have ourselves at some time or another, produced our conditions, desirable, or undesirable, either in our bodily health or other circumstances.

There used to be a bumper sticker that read, "God is my co-pilot." Later, someone created another one that read, "If God is your co-pilot, switch seats." No, it was rightrepparttar 123052 first time. God has put us inrepparttar 123053 drivers seat. He said, "I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing, therefore, choose life." (Deut 30:19)

It's so easy to blame someone, or something, and make excuses as to why we may be experiencing certain unpleasant situations. But, we must be mature enough to take full responsibility for our lives and quit playingrepparttar 123054 part ofrepparttar 123055 victim. It is so liberating when you can say, "I got myself into this, and with God's help, I can get out." There is no power in acting like a victim.

The Politeness Pundit

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach

If you’re actually reading this article, you may be one of those closet politeness pundits yourself. Here, I’ll save you from having to look it up. It’s fromrepparttar Sanskrit (pandita) and means “ a learned man” (while I am female) or “one who gives opinions in an authoritative manner.”

Is that you? If so, huzzah, you’ve found a fellow champion (and I, you)!

Do you walk around shaking your head these days, wondering why it all has to be so nasty? Do you listen to someone cop an attitude to someone else (beyondrepparttar 123051 age of, say, 18, where copping an attitude is expected) and have that ‘nails on a blackboard’ feeling? Do you watch someone go after someone else at work in a perfectly awful way, seemingly just forrepparttar 123052 sport of it, and shudder? Do you wonder whererepparttar 123053 politeness has gone? And why?

If so, you may wonder, as I do, what their childhood was like that they failed to rise aboverepparttar 123054 stuff of childhood. Now, I’ll admit I hadrepparttar 123055 perfect childhood for exploring my own nastiness andrepparttar 123056 limitations ofrepparttar 123057 rewards of same. I had a twin sister (as well as other siblings). Twins spend an inordinate amount of time together. It’srepparttar 123058 ultimate test: get along or die.

We fought like cats and dogs. Mother would banish us to separate rooms and we’d cry to get back together again (so she said). What’s a mother to do? Eventually she gave up, smart woman that she was, and let us sort it out.

What was I to do? My twin took my necklace, slopped her things all over my side ofrepparttar 123059 room, took MY Snicker’s bar, occasionally lost her temper and said nasty things to me, and sometimes (when Mother wasn’t looking, which was most ofrepparttar 123060 time) even slapped me around a bit. And she was always there! That’srepparttar 123061 thing: it doesn’t go away.

Onrepparttar 123062 other hand, I never had to start school alone. I could take her Snicker’s bar, as well as borrow her necklace. I never had to wake up alone inrepparttar 123063 night. And we could gang up on someone who was nasty to one of us.

I can’t say I “struggled” with this; it was just a fact of life, and in some muddled child-y sort of way, I figured outrepparttar 123064 good outweighedrepparttar 123065 bad, and that I’d just have to figure out something.

It was helped by an act of fate: my father’s latest promotion landed us in a new high school of 4,000, not knowing anyone but each other. I think we both decided it might be smart to get along with one another.

While we weren’t that crazy about one another at that point, we were all we had. And there’s a sense in which that’s true of all of us, no?

There in that office where you work is this little group of people you’re stuck with all day long, like it or not. So why not get along? Would it be so difficult? No, it would not, and it brings nice results. If you’rerepparttar 123066 egocentric type – it helps your health. If you’re another type – you’ve learned by now, I’m sure, that sugar works better than vinegar, or however that saying goes.

I’m struck withrepparttar 123067 irrelevant things people blame their nastiness on – I can’t stand my manager, they don’t know how to do things around here, she gets on my nerves, they don’t appreciate me … and thenrepparttar 123068 I have a headache, backache, teenager at home, PMS. Who doesn’t? That’s an excuse, not a reason.

It isn’t all about you. And check out your premises. Who said you have to like someone to get along with them? Who says you have to be feeling good to behave in a civilized manner?

It’srepparttar 123069 same with marriage – barring true pathology onrepparttar 123070 party ofrepparttar 123071 first part, orrepparttar 123072 second, you’re going to encounterrepparttar 123073 same set of bowling pins atrepparttar 123074 end of every bowling alley. Things are not, nor will they ever be, arranged for your sole satisfaction.

Because we live and work together, we have etiquette (or used to):repparttar 123075 rules of how to behave in public. It may be experiencing a comeback. Some of us would be relieved to see more of it.


·Pollyanna walks throughrepparttar 123076 usual stress-filled office with a big smile on her face and Scrooge says, “Why are you smiling? Are you on drugs or something?” POLITENESS POINT: If you’re so unhappy you must stamp out all signs of it in others, get therapy. ·Mario turns a corner and runs into someone who snarls at him. POLITNESS POINT: Since when did we stop walking (as we drive) onrepparttar 123077 right side (notrepparttar 123078 ‘correct’ side,repparttar 123079 right-as-opposed-to-left side) ofrepparttar 123080 hallway? The rules are what make orderly life possible. You see how many squabbles could be prevented if we did something like this? ·People walk in without greeting one another, which not only makes it impossible forrepparttar 123081 phone receptionist to know who’s there, but puts a surly tone to it all. POLITENESS POINT: Didn’t your mother instruct you to say “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” when you came torepparttar 123082 breakfast table? COROLLARY: Whether you meant it or not. That’s sort ofrepparttar 123083 point. ·Flick hands Flack a phone message, who takes it, grunts, turns oh his heel and walks off. POLITENESS POINT: What happened to “Thank you” and “You’re welcome.” ·Curly, Larry and Moe head out to lunch, not invitingrepparttar 123084 4th member ofrepparttar 123085 department to join them, for whatever reason, and saying nothing. POLITENESS POINT: “We’re going to have lunch to talk about our part ofrepparttar 123086 project. I know you’ve had enough of it, so you don’t have to come.” ·Playingrepparttar 123087 game of “let’s getrepparttar 123088 new person.” POLITENESS POINT: Frat hazing is for frat boys. Grow up. ·Someone comes from another culture/dresses weird/is known to be a stamp collector/takes punctuation a little too seriously so let’s mob up on them and make their life miserable. POLITENESS POINT: Very astute, Sherlock, that they’re different, but if you need to make someone else feel small in order to make yourself feel big, get therapy. ·Mary’s bored so she starts a rumor about Harry. POLITENESS POINT: Isn’t there some work you’re supposed to be doing? ·You’rerepparttar 123089 boss, it’s your shop, you fought and scrambled to get there, so now you’ve earnedrepparttar 123090 right to act like a petulant two-year-old. POLITENESS POINT: Life is long. What goes around comes around. COROLLARY: Do you have any idea what you look like when you’re acting that way? ·When you were climbing uprepparttar 123091 ladder Attilarepparttar 123092 Hun was nasty to you, so now it’s your turn. POLITENESS POINT: Instead of “turn about is fair play,” how about getting your knuckles offrepparttar 123093 ground and treating peoplerepparttar 123094 way you wish you’d been treated and weren’t? In addition to giving you a delicious sense of righteousness, it could also save your health, not to mention that of those around you. ·You can’t control yourself because you’re under too much stress/have more to do than everyone else/producerepparttar 123095 most/are special. POLITENESS POINT: Give me a break. · You don’t like something about someone so you’re rude. POLITENESS POINT: If you aren’t pastrepparttar 123096 point of logic and reason, did you ever consider they probably don’t like something about you as well, so that’s not a reason!

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