Revelations a Study. section 3.

Written by Rev.Anthony Smith

Revelations a Study. section 3. Section 3 chapters,4:1 thru 5:14. John translated intorepparttar Throne room of God. No matter whom you may ask, you would probable get many different interpretations ofrepparttar 144274 Book of Revelations. My attempt is to give you an insight into prophecy, spiritualism, parables and physical realizations in this book.
Inrepparttar 144275 first few verses in Chapter 4 we see a number of different things, 1. a door was opened in heaven 2. And immediately I was inrepparttar 144276 spirit 3. a throne was set in heaven 4. one sat onrepparttar 144277 throne. #1. is spiritual and physical. Just as when God opens up a door for you into areas of this world that were once closed to you and two physical, for Heaven is real. #2. is also both spiritual and physical, transfiguration fromrepparttar 144278 body to spirit. It happened often in scripture. For example 2Ki 2:1 And it came to pass, whenrepparttar 144279 LORD would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal. Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. #3. A Throne is physical. #4.The Lord God Almighty. Physical The 24 Elders and 24 Thrones.He saw four-and-twenty seats round aboutrepparttar 144280 throne, not empty, but filled with four-and-twenty elders, presbyters. The Twelve Deciples and 12 Leaders ofrepparttar 144281 Church in Old Testimate Times. John sees a place of honour for them beforerepparttar 144282 throne of God.[Presbytery The Bible (From Greek a—biblia, meaning "books", which in turn is derived from —byblos meaning "papyrus", fromrepparttar 144283 ancient Phoenician city of Byblos which exported papyrus) isrepparttar 144284 sacred scripture of Christianity. The Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible. An elder ofrepparttar 144285 congregation inrepparttar 144286 early Christian church. A bishop is an ordained person who holds a specific position of authority in any of a number of Christian churches. The Throne Room is described by John. This is physical. The Sea of Glass = Purity. The Rainbow representsrepparttar 144287 covenant between God and Noah. The four beasts full of eyes before and behind. The number representsrepparttar 144288 Four Gospels. Which arerepparttar 144289 basis of Gods Salvation for Man. 7. Andrepparttar 144290 first beast was like a lion, (Courage) andrepparttar 144291 second beast like a calf (Safrifice), andrepparttar 144292 third beast had a face as a man (Wisdom), andrepparttar 144293 fourth beast was like a flying eagle (Strength). The eyes around and about represent all knowledge of not only of mankind but of self. Self evaluation; Matthew 7;5."Thou hypocrite, first cast outrepparttar 144294 beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast outrepparttar 144295 mote out of thy brother's eye.

Decision making techniques using spiritual tools

Written by Judi Singleton

Here are some steps I take to make decisions I have found a lot of ways to make decisions and look at things but this one works for me. First I must recogniserepparttar precise question. If you can formaulate a clear question like what isrepparttar 144273 issue here? But you must be clearer than that. Clarify and understandrepparttar 144274 issues envolved. Ask yourself why you have to make this decision. Separaterepparttar 144275 issues into first things to be worked on andrepparttar 144276 lesser issues. Check all your assumptions. What arerepparttar 144277 givens here. Remember that under each given has an assumption behind it. It is important to look at assumptions for they will get in your way later. Whatever we assume determinesrepparttar 144278 data you will look at.

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