Reveal the Leader Within

Written by Julie and Graham

A Leader is not a certain type of person or position of power. It is notrepparttar one atrepparttar 104556 top ofrepparttar 104557 golf leader board at any specific time orrepparttar 104558 person atrepparttar 104559 top of an organisation. It is YOU. In this article we want to show you how to revealrepparttar 104560 leader within. To give you some ideas, methods, tips that will make you think and, if you want to, enable you to revealrepparttar 104561 leader within you.

First; What is a Leader? Ponder this question for a while.

What is a leader to you?

What image doesrepparttar 104562 word leader conjure up for you?

Is it someone with charisma? Perhaps it is someone who is able to get others to do what they want? Or someone who is able to get individuals to dorepparttar 104563 impossible? Is someone born a leader or are they made? What about world leaders. Are they bred, made by their political parties or carbon copies of their idols?

It is difficult, isn’t it, to define a leader. But we all know one when we see one or are inrepparttar 104564 company of one. We would like to suggest that a leader is YOU. You have inside yourepparttar 104565 skills and abilities to lead others. All you lack isrepparttar 104566 belief, confidence in yourself andrepparttar 104567 determination to succeed.

Now think of your life. Spend a little time answeringrepparttar 104568 following questions:

What are your priorities in life?

Do you know what you want or what you need? Quite often wants and needs are transposed and become confused. Tryrepparttar 104569 following exercise:

Take a piece of A4 or letter size paper and write atrepparttar 104570 top: What I want is……….

Now write downrepparttar 104571 things that come into your head don’t edit or hesitate. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous they appear just keep writing until you feel you have exhausted all topics. After all you arerepparttar 104572 only one who is going to read them.

Now, on another piece of paper write: What I need is…………….. And repeatrepparttar 104573 process.

Atrepparttar 104574 end you have a list of wants and needs look at them, think about what you have written. What are you trying to tell yourself? Are there any themes? You should now have a rough idea of what your priorities in life are. Can you answerrepparttar 104575 following:

Where am I now?

What really drives me?

What is my passion?

Where am I going?

You now have an idea of what you believe in. What it is that really drives you and is your passion. You now have whatrepparttar 104576 text books refer to as a clear vision. A vision about which you are deeply passionate. To be a successful leader all you need is zeal and enthusiasm for your passion andrepparttar 104577 capabilities to put your passion into action. Unlikerepparttar 104578 text books we are going to suggest;

1.You haverepparttar 104579 capabilities and what you don’t have you will pick up onrepparttar 104580 way. If you build your vision from your capabilities it can only limit your vision. The secret is to build your vision from your passion and thenrepparttar 104581 capabilities come flooding in. The more you follow your dreamsrepparttar 104582 more experience you gain. 2.You do not need influencing skills. Leadership influencing skills are many and various but most involve some form of manipulation e.g. rousing speeches, getting help from persuasive others, persuading others to do what you want but allrepparttar 104583 time pretending you are doing what they want etc. etc.

Where is YOUR place in global markets?

Written by Elena Petrova

Internet has changed our world fast and forever.

Global markets arerepparttar feature affecting every industry.

The whole world is watching “American Idol”, “Survivor” and “Friends”, listening to Eminem and Britney Spears, admiring “The Lord Of The Rings” and “Titanic”, and readingrepparttar 104555 latest New York bestsellers.

We wear Malaysian-made jeans, Korean-made running shoes and our kids play with Chinese-made toys.

When you call to a tall-free number, someone in India, via Internet, handles your call.

Jobs are increasingly shipped overseas where companies can save thousands of $$$ using discrepancies inrepparttar 104556 income level. Why pay someone $100 per hour for programming job when you can pay $20 per hour to someone in Eastern Europe and haverepparttar 104557 job done just as well?

Whether you like it or not, you are a part of global markets!

You can either berepparttar 104558 object of globalization,repparttar 104559 passive element ofrepparttar 104560 world growing smaller -- or you can jump onrepparttar 104561 opportunity and becomerepparttar 104562 subject andrepparttar 104563 user.

Those opportunities are everywhere!

You might be astounded to find an offshore company that can handle your website needs for a fraction ofrepparttar 104564 money you are paying to your current employees!

Even if you do most ofrepparttar 104565 jobs yourself, you might be in better off paying somebody overseas to save your valuable time for something that no one but you can perform.

And not only business-like!

Your business may be run by other people but there are certain things in your life that only YOU can do; one of them is finding a love partner.

Global markets are on this one, too!

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