Retirement In the New Age

Written by Michael Bosse

Retirement Inrepparttar New Age

Are You Prepared For A Life of Leisure?

Consider These Numbers…

"Atrepparttar 112550 end of WWII, there were 42 workers paying into Social Security for each person receiving benefits. Today, barely three people contribute for each recipient. Projections are that by 2030, when most baby boomers will have retired, just two working people will contribute for each person receiving benefits. (Social Security Administration, Trust Funds Report, 1992)." (Saperston Asset Management Inc.)

"Social Security benefits will replace only 16% ofrepparttar 112551 income of married couples earning $50,000 to $100,000 and only 9.5% ofrepparttar 112552 income of married couples earning $100,000 and only 9.5% ofrepparttar 112553 income of married couples earning $100,000-plus. (Office of Research and Economic Analysis, Pension and Welfare Administration)." (Saperston Asset Management Inc.)

"Working people tend to think their retirement lifestyle will be better than their current lifestyle, but retirees report their standard of living has declined. Example: Twenty-six percent of workers say they are "just making ends meet," but only 16% think they will live this way in retirement. Of retirees, 20% are "just making ends meet," while 16% describe their pre-retirement lifestyle this way (Employee Benefit Research Institute)." (Saperston Asset Management Inc.)

Is thisrepparttar 112554 reward for a life of ardent labor and selfless devotion? I would like to think not. I did not write this article withrepparttar 112555 intent to trouble you, instead I have written it in hopes of awakening you torepparttar 112556 issue before it's too late.

Now that we have discussedrepparttar 112557 problem, let's discuss some solutions.

If you're still in your youth, roughly betweenrepparttar 112558 ages of 20 and 35 you still have time to start a traditional savings plan that will over time build you a comfortable nest egg for retirement. But my main focus in this article is to help those with much less time before retirement.

What do you do when you only have a few years left before retirement and you realize that you don't have enough set aside to liverepparttar 112559 life of luxury and leisure that we all hope for. Should you put your dreams aside and continue to work through your golden years? No one should ever have to do this. No, instead I propose you take fate into your own hands, flip it upside down, and shake it until his pockets are empty. Than pick uprepparttar 112560 cash dust yourself off, and enjoy your life.

Ways to "Flip Fate" - Retirement Plans & Solutions

Money is a game of self education. Those who have it prosper, those who don't fail. It's that simple. So pick an option and get educated, your retirement depends on it.

Medical bills: Don't let them kill you

Written by Curadebt

Having a good health condition is not just a matter of "good luck" or chance. There are many things that can be done in order to improve one's health conditions, prevent illnesses and atrepparttar same time save money on medical bills. Unexpected medical bills are one ofrepparttar 112549 most common reasons leading people to economical problems.

We all knowrepparttar 112550 feeling when that crippling medical bill has to be paid. Most of us try not to think about it. We ignore that pain and put off making an expensive appointment to see a specialist we hope it will all just go away. There are some practical things we can do to improve our chances of not having to face huge medical bills. Here are a few suggestions.

1. Identifyrepparttar 112551 areas of your health, which worry you:

Many people are afraid of heart problems. Perhaps there is a history of heart disease inrepparttar 112552 family. If this isrepparttar 112553 case, userepparttar 112554 Internet or your local health service to get information on preventative action. This may involve a significant change in lifestyle and, believe it or not, it might involve a real reduction in your spending, since it most probably you would be advice to use less your car and exercising more, to have a healthier life style and nutritional habits. You could also feel better just because you have taken that first step to protecting your health.

2. Preventive checkouts. Some investments in regular checkouts and tests could save you lots. Most ofrepparttar 112555 common illnesses just don't start suddenly. Symptoms appear slowly. Some people choose to ignore them because they are too busy or they want to think they will get better by themselves. Atrepparttar 112556 initial stages of an illnessrepparttar 112557 possibilities to treat it totally, faster and most efficiently are bigger,repparttar 112558 treatments are less expensive and more importantly you are preventing yourself from getting a serious disease that treated on time can be totally cured.

3. Exercise more. The benefits of practising regularly any kind of physical activity are numerous. It not just improves your physical appearance and boosts your confidence, but it reduces your stress levels, improvesrepparttar 112559 functions of all your systems including cardiovascular, muscular and immune. It strengthens your joins avoiding illnesses such as arthritis and rheumatism. Exercising even helps you to think better and clearer, since it improvesrepparttar 112560 blood circulation inrepparttar 112561 brain.

4. Minimize hazardous situations. Prevention is definitelyrepparttar 112562 main key to a healthier life. Check regularly your car mechanic and electrical condition especially before a long journey. Made surerepparttar 112563 electrical and gas appliances in your house and work place are safe and there are not problems withrepparttar 112564 connections or leaks. Make sure everybody knows in your house and work place what to do in case there is an emergency such as fire.

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