Resume Writing - Tips and Advise

Written by Martin Smith

Job-hunting is notrepparttar most exciting thing inrepparttar 150393 world but you can make it easier. The key is organization. Keep a record of companies you have applied and any contacts that may or may not have with them. One ofrepparttar 150394 first things you need to do be creative in your resume writing.

The appearance of your resume is of paramount importance. The most obvious fact is it needs to be neat and all items must be spelled correctly. Correct information is of paramount importance especially ifrepparttar 150395 interviewer decides to check out your information. The format should be simple and plain. It should highlight your accomplishments.

The quality ofrepparttar 150396 paper you use to send out resumes should be of professional quality. Most job seekers use a paper that is not glossy and is a 20-weight paper. You should userepparttar 150397 same paper for your resume, your cover letter, andrepparttar 150398 envelope. It comes across as being more professional.

The font should be clear and easy to read. The size ofrepparttar 150399 font is important. Personally I prefer a font of 12. It is clear andrepparttar 150400 letters are not blurry as they can be with some fonts. The suggested font to use in your resume is a Sans Serif font such as Arial or Verdana. They are clear and stand out better in faxes.

When describing your skills in particular, use strong action words. Instead of starting a sentence with a noun use a strong verb. When using numbers use percentages, dollar amounts when describing money, andrepparttar 150401 number of people you supervised if this is applicable.

Your resume should be one page only. The information should be presented as concisely as possible. There will be a place inrepparttar 150402 cover letter and possibly an interview to expound on your skills. Resumes that are too long are often put aside because employers simply don't haverepparttar 150403 time to read through lengthy dissertations. If it doesn't fit on one page try paring it down torepparttar 150404 bare minimum. The information must be relevant torepparttar 150405 position you are applying for. Do not forget to attach your cover letter.

There are two types of resume formats that are used. The functional format will put your skills into categories. Your titles are listed onrepparttar 150406 bottom. This format is used by people who are changing careers and who don't want to draw attention to gaps in employment or a possible lack of direct experiences. The chronological format is used by those on a career path. Your employment and education are listed in reverse chronological order. Outline your skills to show your best accomplishments. The categories that you include on your resume must be relevant torepparttar 150407 position for which you are applying.


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