Restaurant Market Research – What are potential competitors doing?

Written by Jeremy C Phillips

This is part one in a series of articles describingrepparttar planning and implementation of a restaurant startup strategy.

The first step in starting a restaurant is proper planning. One must lay out a plan complete with goals, priorities, andrepparttar 138536 tasks that he will need to complete in order to achieve these goals. The biggest mistake first time restaurant owners make is improper planning. Ambition, while absolutely required, is simply not enough to succeed inrepparttar 138537 highly competitive food service industry.

Part 1: Market Research – What are potential competitors doing?

If you’ve always wanted to run a Cajun restaurant, and you live in an area that already has five, do you have to relocate to accomplish your dream? Not necessarily! It’s now time to engage in a bit of opposition research. Drive by each ofrepparttar 138538 locations during varying parts ofrepparttar 138539 day. Are there many cars inrepparttar 138540 parking lots? At what times? Are many people standing inrepparttar 138541 lobbies? If so, then this restaurant is doing something people like, and these patrons are thankingrepparttar 138542 restaurant owner with their wallets. If you see that a particular restaurant is more popular than others, discover why by visiting their establishment during peak hours. Dine in, haverepparttar 138543 waiter recommend their best dish. Pay attention to every aspect ofrepparttar 138544 experience.

The food should be an area of concentration of course, but there are several other factors that can turn wonderful food into a wonderful experience. How dorepparttar 138545 servers present themselves? How spaced out arerepparttar 138546 tables? What type of centerpiece is on your table? All of these factors are vital, and are what makes or breaks a new restaurant. By no means should you overlookrepparttar 138547 atmosphere of your dining area while planning your restaurant.

This may seem obvious to most, but while you’re there, you should also pay attention

WARNING: The Biggest Lie About Compound Interest

Written by Owen Stobbe

Have you wondered why financial experts only tell you certain things about building wealth? Do you think its in their best interest to tell yourepparttar absolute truth?

LIE: The Magic of Compound Interest : Save $X per month and you can retire RICH.

FACT : Compound Interest works only forrepparttar 138535 very few. The very few who began investing in their 20's and NEVER, EVER, EVER STOPPED. They didn't stop when they bought a car, house. Got married, had kids. Paid lots of bills, mortgage payments, loan payments, credit card payments. Forrepparttar 138536 rest of us life expenses cost money, and so your savings account that you had been contributing monthly to gets sucked dry.

You've also seenrepparttar 138537 magical compound interest investment chart:

Invest $X/mth and after 10 yrs you'll have good cat food money. Invest $X/mth and after 20 yrs you'll have gourmet Kraft dinner. Invest $X/mth and after 30 yrs you'll be a millionaire. Invest $X/mth and after 40 yrs you'll be a bazillionaire.

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