Resolution: Stop Dieting for the Health of it!

Written by Michael Dimas

"Now isrepparttar accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink, and swore his last oath.

Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation torepparttar 135685 winds and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than ever." -- Mark Twain

Hello Everyone! This is part of my annual anti-resolution newsletter. Hope you enjoy it and are already having a great new year.

New year's type resolutions have never worked because they are usually associated with somethingrepparttar 135686 person doesn't want [as opposed to what they do want] anyway, or with something that is wrong/missing in their life. Focusing on what you don't want or what is missing also hasrepparttar 135687 tendency to produce more of that in your life.

The word resolution itself means to re-solve...again...again...again. Not a good word to describe permanent change. "New Year's" makes it sound as if change is not possible at other times only one day per year. How's that for a limiting belief?

Being overweight, for example, is a focus on what you don't want. Diets andrepparttar 135688 deprivation that go with them as well as exercise we'd rather not do...eeks...more of what we don't want!

The Benefits of Dead Sea Salt

Written by Mary M. Alward

The lowest point on Earth, 400 feet below sea level,repparttar Dead Sea is one of nature’s most exotic and exhilarating spas. The water has a high concentration of minerals and salts in a unique combination that is rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, bromine, magnesium, as well as others. Numerous thermo-mineral springs run underrepparttar 135649 Sea and along its shores. These supplyrepparttar 135650 Sea with curative minerals that create a rich mineral black mud. With over 60% mineral content, black mud fromrepparttar 135651 Dead Sea has a calming, analgesic effect, and anti-inflammatory properties. Uses as a beauty treatment, these salts and mud deeply cleanserepparttar 135652 skin and minimize wrinkles and aging while revitalizingrepparttar 135653 complexion.

The Dead Sea is mystical. The concentration of minerals in its rich, black mud and water is ten times higher than those of any other sea on Earth. Bath salts made from Dead Sea salt act as a relaxant, rejuvenator, skin healer and bactericide. This unique combination of minerals allows damaged skin to recreate a healthier appearance and a more maintainable surface. The most effective elements arerepparttar 135654 richness in bromine, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals have a positive influence on germs that live onrepparttar 135655 body’s skin and helps prevent infection and inflammation. They also regenerate skin and alleviate itchiness.

Bath salts that are harvested fromrepparttar 135656 Dead Sea offer an alternative therapy for those suffering from skin ailments. Research has proven that these salts offer relief for skin and rheumatic conditions while presenting relaxation torepparttar 135657 entire body.

Thousands of people who suffer from rheumatism and skin ailments travel torepparttar 135658 Dead Sea every year to enjoyrepparttar 135659 healing effect ofrepparttar 135660 water and black mud that can only be found there. The special composition ofrepparttar 135661 Sea’s minerals have won acclaim in medical circles as being successful in a wide range of treatment for many common ailments such as migraines, stress related conditions, rheumatism, neuralgia, allergies, psoriasis, and skin problems caused by an improper diet.

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