
Written by Joyce C. Lock

Mahatma Gandhi once said, "I believe inrepparttar fundamental truth of all great religions ofrepparttar 126895 world. I believe that they are all God-given and I believe that they were necessary forrepparttar 126896 people to whom these religions were revealed. And I believe that if only we could all of us readrepparttar 126897 scriptures ofrepparttar 126898 different faiths fromrepparttar 126899 standpoints ofrepparttar 126900 followers of these faiths, we should find that they were at bottom all one and were all helpful to one another."

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he isrepparttar 126901 head ofrepparttar 126902 body,repparttar 126903 church: who isrepparttar 126904 beginning,repparttar 126905 firstborn fromrepparttar 126906 dead; that in all things he might haverepparttar 126907 preeminence, Co. 1:16-18.

There is at least some truth in every religion and things that are not true about all religions. Religion changes with every generation. And, withrepparttar 126908 huge multitude of religions, it seems absurd for anyone to think they have allrepparttar 126909 answers.

Many churches have become any ofrepparttar 126910 following: cold, dead, legal, stuffy, and or a social club. Often, they are so very educated that they no longer get their instruction from God (acting like they are God).

And, even some ofrepparttar 126911 most spiritual churches appear as if they know everything God believes, everything He thinks. They don't even have to ask Him, as they already know allrepparttar 126912 rules. They decide who is worthy to serve, who isrepparttar 126913 right gender, and who has allrepparttar 126914 right stuff.

Knowing Them By Their Fruit...

Written by Joyce C. Lock

A prophet is to be proclaiming things heard from God. Whenever God speaks, scripture supports it ... though probably not where someone points, "Thus saithrepparttar Lord," stealing God's words (running when He didn't send them).

Prophets guide people through their wilderness. You'll know them by their fruit, as God reserves spiritual gifts for those who haverepparttar 126894 heart for it.

Withinrepparttar 126895 Bible is God's definition for most every word of significance given in scripture. God is His own best commentator. Teachers forgot to teach themselves.

If you're interested in God's intent, ask Him. Searchrepparttar 126896 scriptures. If you seek God with your whole heart, He'll reveal himself to you. And when His Spirit writesrepparttar 126897 words upon your heart (which isrepparttar 126898 truth, as He cannot lie), you'll come to 'know' God in newfound ways. The words of His mouth are our necessary food.

Some teach, if you pick just one verse, you're taking it out of context. How, on earth could you have taken it out of context if God spoke it to your heart? However God speaks to your need, that word is infallible. Though, it might be true if you're selecting a verse to support your thinking (telling God what He believes).

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