
Written by Diann Cannon

What isrepparttar most important relationship in your life - your mate, a friend, a family member? Are your interactions a source of joy and empowerment? Or too often do you find yourself feeling disrespected, misunderstood and drained of energy? In this newsletter, you'll find out one ofrepparttar 129520 key relationships in your life that affects all ofrepparttar 129521 others. You will learn thatrepparttar 129522 quality of that relationship also has a huge impact on all ofrepparttar 129523 others. By answering a few key questions, you'll see what steps you can take now to transformrepparttar 129524 way you relate to everyone in your life - to create relationships based on mutual respect and honesty.

What you discover may surprise you. Read on.....


Relationship according to Webster's Dictionary is: "The mutual exchange between two people or groups who have dealings with one another." Relation withoutrepparttar 129525 "ship" can mean, "the way in which one thing is associated with another."

Here is my question. How do you relate to yourself? How do you relate to your physical self, mental self, emotional self, and spiritual self?

One ofrepparttar 129526 most important aspects of success is a good relationship with one's self. After all if we are not vital, full of energy, and clear then we are not living to our full potential.

I have a statement in my journal that says, "I am happy that I am flexible, my heart is strong and I drink plenty of water. I look great my eyes are clear, and I eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day for proper nutrition."

Half Baked

Written by Diann Cannon

If you can relate to Jimmy Buffet’s song “Fruit Cakes”, in which he sings we're all half baked this article could be for you! Does your body tense up a little when you think ofrepparttar holidays? Is it difficult for you to believe that you came out ofrepparttar 129519 family you were raised in?

All my life, my father and I had a very difficult and distant relationship. As an adult, we became estranged. When I was seventeen years old my mom married my stepfather; he became an important male figure in my life andrepparttar 129520 man ofrepparttar 129521 family that I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas with. Inrepparttar 129522 meantime,repparttar 129523 divide between my biological father and I grew ever wider. The silent agreement between us was so deep that we didn’t talk onrepparttar 129524 phone or even exchange birthday, Father’s Day or holiday cards. There were times that as many as five years would go by without us speaking to one another. I had a lot of disdain for some of my dad’s values and life perspectives and that made simple conversation very difficult. Duringrepparttar 129525 infrequent times when we would talk, he would begin to share his opinions and philosophies with me I would eminently disagree and that would berepparttar 129526 extent of it until we would forget how painfulrepparttar 129527 last phone call was.

Then, last May, (for reasons I do not understand) I began to get persistent feelings that I needed to call him. The feeling would not go away. I called my dad’s brother to see if I might find out what was up. As I dialed I thought, “He isrepparttar 129528 sane one.” When my uncle answered, he told me, “your father is inrepparttar 129529 hospital. He’s been in there several times and now he has pneumonia.”

Well I thought, “if there was ever a time to honor my father it’s now.” I did not want to show up at his funeral like a hypocrite so I talked it over with my husband and decided to go see him before he died in order to make peace. I thought it would be good for both of us. I had not been torepparttar 129530 town he lived in for twenty years. I rented a car, made arrangements to stay with an aunt on my mother’s side ofrepparttar 129531 family and booked a flight.

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