Relationship Advice: First Date Sex? Should You?

Written by Terry Hernon MacDonald

Everybody on TV seems to be tumbling into bed onrepparttar first date these days, but should you? Absolutely not, and I don't care if you've been celibate since 1996.

Here's why:

1. Chances are, you've just metrepparttar 130160 guy. You know nothing about him, let alone whether he bathes daily, or if he's one of those losers who picks his nose at stoplights.

2. My OB/GYN estimates that two out of five people are walking around with Herpes Simplex II. Some of them don't even know it. Do you want to become one ofrepparttar 130161 two out of five?

3. If you have sex with a guy on a first date, how do you know that he doesn't leap intorepparttar 130162 sack with every other woman he meets? Do you really want to get involved with someone that easy? He doesn't make quality boyfriend or husband material.

How to Lower a Wedding Cake Price

Written by Nina Romanov

Have you wondered why wedding cakes costs hitrepparttar roof? Why do they cost so much? You will be amazed to know thatrepparttar 130159 prices could touch $15 per person or more?

I recall how Mrs. Ingridman taught me invaluable lessons on how to lower a wedding cake price while still going forrepparttar 130160 classiest of cakes. After her successful wedding, she told me how she managed to treat her guests with a mouthwatering cake which was bought at reasonable price.

She told merepparttar 130161 reasons why most wedding cakes turn out to be expensive are becauserepparttar 130162 cake pans used to bake them are expensive. I will list some ofrepparttar 130163 ways by which you can lower a wedding cake price and chooserepparttar 130164 best cake for your wedding:

1. Before you agree to give an order torepparttar 130165 baker, make sure thatrepparttar 130166 decoration and design isrepparttar 130167 right kind to suit your taste. Go through referrals and see what prices are being quoted. Look throughrepparttar 130168 samples first before deciding on your cake. A supermarket could offer a wide range of cakes at a lesser cost than your bakery.

2. Decide on how you want to decorate your wedding cake…whether you want to keep it simple and cute or splendid and rich. Avoid over decoratingrepparttar 130169 cake. It is not necessary to have a five tiered cake. You can have your cake stacked if you want.

3. Bakers who are not specially into wedding cakes could still bakerepparttar 130170 best cakes and cost less. Home bakers too do not charge much and could make lovely cakes.

4. You can borrowrepparttar 130171 pillars. There are disposable pillars available with your local baker or rental companies which are a better alternative than those crystal pillars if you want to cut down onrepparttar 130172 cost ofrepparttar 130173 pillars. Letrepparttar 130174 baker or your local rental company helps you withrepparttar 130175 disposable pillars instead ofrepparttar 130176 crystal ones.

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