Refinancing Your Home - IS the Time Right?

Written by Keith Thompson

Refinancing your home is a major decision not to be taken lightly, even in this era of low interest rates and easy money. While every mortgage company in town is toutingrepparttar strategy of getting a new loan before rates rise again, there are several things you'll want to be mindful of before you go about refinancing your home.

In my viewrepparttar 138547 key to refinancing your home isn't justrepparttar 138548 rate they're offering you: it'srepparttar 138549 total package looked at not only in terms of today, but a few years downrepparttar 138550 road. Many people have taken out new loans that really weren't quite right for their long term situations, thinking they'd be able to refinance again inrepparttar 138551 not-too-distant future. That may or may not prove to be true. No one has a crystal ball that'll give you a definitive idea of just where rates will be even a year from now, so try to approach this with a somewhat more long-termed view. It's very easy to get tempted byrepparttar 138552 prospect of easy, fast cash, but inrepparttar 138553 end you end up giving it all back in terms of higher payments, and worst case, be unable to make your payments and lose your home. Just look at allrepparttar 138554 costs associated with this new loan, determine whatrepparttar 138555 payments will be in 2, 5 and 10 years, or whatever your timeline is, and make an informed decision unfettered by a mortgage broker's "opinion" what's "best" for you. They have a vested interest in getting you into a loan, any loan, and WILL NOT, repeat, WILL NOT, have your best interests at heart when you go about refinancing your home.

Getting Grant Funding For Your Nonprofit Organization

Written by Berwyn J. Kemp

Do you need grant funding for your nonprofit organization? If you do you are most certainly not alone in your needs. This combined withrepparttar fact that because of regular government budget cuts there’s not as many federal dollars available as there once was. And because of our current economic recession foundation dollars are down as well. What you now have are some serious concerns facing your nonprofit organization.

Onrepparttar 138512 other hand there is still a vast source of funding out there for your organization. But, even more so today than ever, in order for you to get your share ofrepparttar 138513 treasure that’s out for you. You must approachrepparttar 138514 matter of grant getting in an organized and systematic manner.

And you must makerepparttar 138515 process of obtaining grants a regular and ongoing activity for your organization. Here are some guidelines to help you getrepparttar 138516 grant funds you seek:

ŸCarefully assess your funding needs by asking yourself a number of very important questions, such as: How much funding do you need? How will this funding be used? Who will benefit from this funding? And, how will this funding be used? Having clear answers to these kinds of questions are a key part of any request for funding, and will help you determinerepparttar 138517 kinds of grantors you should be approaching.

ŸMake a list of your target grantors specific to your needs. You can do this by going torepparttar 138518 main branch of your public library. Where you should find some kind of grant research center with a wealth of grant funding directories you can use.

ŸIf you live in a very small community and your library doesn’t have a grant research center. You should contact The Foundation Center, 79 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10003, (212)620-4230 where you’ll find a wealth of grant directories too, that you can purchase directly from them. Be sure to request a copy of their current catalog when you contact them.

ŸContact each grantor on your list for a copy of their current funding guidelines, and proposal requirements. While all grant directories do list grantors basic funding requirements and rules. You should still always contact them before you apply. Since what’s listed could be actually much different from what they currently do, and your time is too valuable to waste it.

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