Reducing the Appearance of Wrinkles

Written by Brian Fong

Wrinkles. One ofrepparttar most dreaded words inrepparttar 130058 dictionary. Atrepparttar 130059 first sign of a wrinkle, our reaction is pretty much universal. Horror! After we calm down, we begin to wonder just what we can do to eliminate this much dreaded effect of aging and how do we keep other newer and deeper wrinkles from following. If we already find ourselves with wrinkle mania in full bloom, we look for solutions to turn backrepparttar 130060 hands of time and restore our skin to its once youthful state. Fortunately, there are options available to us to reducerepparttar 130061 appearance of wrinkles.

Let's take a moment to discover what causes these wrinkles. First and foremost, aging. As we grow older our skin naturally looses collagen and eslastin that help to keep our skin firm and taunt. Also, our skin cell reproduction slows down andrepparttar 130062 rejuvenating effect that new skin cells have on our skin’s appearance diminishes. These types of wrinkles are known as intrinsic, they cannot be avoided. It is Mother Nature at her best (or worst!). Other factors, likerepparttar 130063 environment and sun damage, can also cause skin to wrinkle. Smoking also causesrepparttar 130064 skin to produce less collagen, inevitably leading to an increase in wrinkles. These types of wrinkles are called extrinsic. They are life style choices that are, forrepparttar 130065 most part, under our control. These extrinsic influences arerepparttar 130066 leading cause of pre-mature aging patterns in our skin. Now that we know why we have wrinkles let’s talk about how to reduce them.

Beads—A Sign of the Times?

Written by MJ Plaster

When you hearrepparttar word “beads,” do you immediately think of jewelry? Or do you think of Rosary beads or some other non-jewelry use of beads—beaded dresses, headbands, belts? Perhaps you think of a country and western outfit, a studded, head-to-toe piece of jewelry.

The first thought that enters your mind when you hearrepparttar 130055 word “beads” may date you and give away your age faster than physical attributes. If you’re a product ofrepparttar 130056 50’s, your mind may wander to pop beads, those plastic pull apart, pop together baubles that have risen in value from pennies to $20, $30 or more. If you’re a product ofrepparttar 130057 60’s, you may think of “love beads,” which complementedrepparttar 130058 long-haired, unkempt look, or your mind may wander torepparttar 130059 long strands of beads that once adorned inside doorways in Haight Ashbury with sounds of The Mamas andrepparttar 130060 Papas blaring inrepparttar 130061 background. Thanks to television, it’s difficult to forgetrepparttar 130062 beaded belts ofrepparttar 130063 70s.

From Ancient Trade to Modern Computer Applications

Beads predaterepparttar 130064 mid-20th century by eons. Rememberrepparttar 130065 abacus? Of course, you can’t actually remember back 2000 years unless you possess powers unknown to this author, but you can remember learning aboutrepparttar 130066 abacus in school. In Europe, Venetian glass beads and German metal beads served as currency in trade as early asrepparttar 130067 16th century. Beads also played a central role in Native American jewelry.

Bohemia (aptly named) wasrepparttar 130068 center ofrepparttar 130069 European bead trade from as far back asrepparttar 130070 Middle Ages. Throughrepparttar 130071 twists and turns of history, bead making moved to Bavaria and now, has once again found its home inrepparttar 130072 Chezk Republic, inrepparttar 130073 Bohemia area, home of Swarovski Austrian crystals.

In 1990, Native American traditional beadwork intersected with computer sciences. Several college campuses introduced a pilot program in which beadwork shapedrepparttar 130074 foundation for courses AutoCad and other design program courses for Native American students. The popularity and applicability of these courses continues today.

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