Reduce Stress and Enjoy More Sleep

Written by Donald Saunders

If you suffer from insomnia of any kind,repparttar chances are you don't need to be told that there's a significant connection between sleep problems like insomnia and stress. In fact, as cases of insomnia and related sleep problems increase, more and more people find themselves caught betweenrepparttar 146597 pressures and responsibilities of daily life and their desire for a good night's sleep.

The good news is that insomnia and stress don't have to go hand in hand. There are a variety of productive ways that you can reduce stress and increase your chances of getting a good night's sleep atrepparttar 146598 same time.

If you have already takenrepparttar 146599 basic steps necessary for a good night's sleep (the 5 steps to better sleep outlined in my previous article and published here),repparttar 146600 chances are you're suffering from stress-induced insomnia, and it's time for you to take action. That's because anxiety of any kind has quantifiable physiological effects such as increasing your blood pressure, your heart rate and your body temperature – which in turn disrupt your body's natural propensity for sleep and disturb your body's nightly sleep functions. In other words, anxiety doesn't just reducerepparttar 146601 amount of sleep you are able to get - it damagesrepparttar 146602 quality ofrepparttar 146603 sleep that you do enjoy.

Fortunately, you can reduce stress and improve your sleep fairly simply by undertaking some form of regular relaxation exercise. Depending upon your preference and your degree of stress, there are several different ways to improve your sleep quality through relaxation.

For some people all it takes to reduce stress is a warm bath and some sleep-promoting aromatherapy. Using calming aromatherapy candles or adding soothing essential oils to your bath arerepparttar 146604 perfect way to diffuse anxiety and inducerepparttar 146605 sleep you need after a long day.

Sleep Disorder - To Call The Doctor Or Not?

Written by Donald Saunders

Experiencing difficulty in sleeping for any great length of time may well indicate that you suffer from a common sleep disorder.

Today more than 35 million Americans reportedly suffer from a chronic sleep disorder (sleeping difficulty that lasts for more than one month) and as many as 30 million more suffer from a shorter term or "transient" sleep disorder (sleeping difficulty that lasts for less than four weeks).

Commonly triggered by upcoming events (such as important meetings or interviews), jet lag, or a passing illness (like a cold orrepparttar flu), a mild sleep disorder presents relatively little difficulty in terms of its management and, if left to its own devices, will often pass quite quickly. This said, many simple steps can be taken to both reducerepparttar 146596 effects of mild insomnia and to speed its passing.

A persistent sleep disorder however will rarely disappear of its own accord and may well require pro-active treatment. Prolonged sleep disorders include conditions such as chronic insomnia, restless legs syndrome, sleep apnea and narcolepsy.

Difficulty in getting to sleep, staying asleep, waking throughrepparttar 146597 night (and being unable to get back to sleep), or waking too early inrepparttar 146598 morning, when experienced for any length of time (and certainly for more than four or five weeks), warrants a diagnosis. You should also begin exploring natural sleep remedies that can help you get a better night's sleep, not to mention assisting you in effectively managing your problem.

The most commonly diagnosed sleep disorder, insomnia, also represents one ofrepparttar 146599 easiest problems to treat. Simple lifestyle adjustments, structured relaxation or meditation, or a variety of herbal and natural sleep remedies will often provide a cure.

Like insomnia, sleep apnea is another sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans each year. The most dangerous of all sleep disorders, sleep apnea occurs when air flow throughrepparttar 146600 windpipe is temporarily obstructed during sleep, often due torepparttar 146601 relaxation or collapse of surrounding muscles. Sleep apnea is most commonly associated with snoring, although snoring alone is not necessarily indicative of sleep apnea.

Narcolepsy, a sleep disorder marked by uncontrolled "mini sleeps" duringrepparttar 146602 day (even whenrepparttar 146603 sufferer otherwise appears completely alert), is sometimes confused with sleep apnea; however, these represent two very different conditions.

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