Recycling The Mentally Ill

Written by Virginia Bola, PsyD

30 years ago, California, later followed by other states, decided to virtually close downrepparttar State Mental Hospitals.

There had been multiple exposures of abuse throughoutrepparttar 125957 Nation's systems such as over-medicated individuals kept on back wards for years without clinical justification. However,repparttar 125958 primary force leading torepparttar 125959 widespread closures was economic. Providing free room, board, medication and psychiatric care torepparttar 125960 chronic and seriously impaired mental health population was expensive and failed to result in any positive financial or political benefits.

Theoretically, these marginally functional individuals would now be cared for by a network of community service agencies that would spring up on a local basis. Unfortunately, such a network never existed and failed to develop forrepparttar 125961 same economic challengesrepparttar 125962 State Institutions had faced. Counties continued to provide outpatient services, with occasional brief local hospitalizations for those who became unstable, and nonprofit organizations were founded, and often financially foundered, to provide services.

With few resources andrepparttar 125963 cognitive and emotional inability to connect withrepparttar 125964 few programs available,repparttar 125965 mentally ill started to drift intorepparttar 125966 streets where they often self- medicated with illegal drugs. Within 10 years, police and social service agencies estimated that possibly one third ofrepparttar 125967 growing homeless population had mental disabilities.

An increase in street crime,repparttar 125968 resentment of business owners who lost customers who would not crossrepparttar 125969 crowds of homeless onrepparttar 125970 sidewalks, andrepparttar 125971 disgust of working citizens who resentedrepparttar 125972 litter and potential dangers of large numbers of people living onrepparttar 125973 streets, led to a political decision to crackdown onrepparttar 125974 homeless. Sweeps of targeted areas movedrepparttar 125975 homeless away - to other areas whererepparttar 125976 resentment was just as great. Petty street crimes to enablerepparttar 125977 penniless to live, and drug use, providedrepparttar 125978 excuse for more draconian measures. The homeless started moving again, this time intorepparttar 125979 prisons.

Voting Pro-Environment is Good For Jobs, Health, and Security

Written by Mark Jeantheau

HANGING CHAD AND ALL HIS ANTI-ENVIRONMENT BUDDIES Voting Pro-Environment is Good For Jobs, Health, and Security

There are many issues onrepparttar minds of US voters these days, but according to national polls,repparttar 125956 environment ranks somewhere above hemp policy and just below humane treatment for Teletubbies.

People are, of course, justly concerned about top issues such as health care, terrorism, and jobs. Butrepparttar 125957 environment actually has a role to play in all of those areas. Below are some examples of how this is so.


"If you have your health, you have everything"--so goesrepparttar 125958 old cliche. We usually don't think too much about our health until we have a problem. Diseases usually creep in on us slowly. They're very patient, waiting until our defenses are down far enough for us to be susceptible.

The health ofrepparttar 125959 environment--the quality ofrepparttar 125960 air we breathe,repparttar 125961 purity ofrepparttar 125962 water we drink,repparttar 125963 condition ofrepparttar 125964 land we grow our food on--are prime factors inrepparttar 125965 health of our bodies. We protectrepparttar 125966 health of our families by reducing pollution, by encouraging better farming practices that result in more nutritious agricultural products, and by gettingrepparttar 125967 toxic chemicals out ofrepparttar 125968 products we use every day.

Politicians are busy jousting about who hasrepparttar 125969 better plan for improving health care, but they're mostly silent onrepparttar 125970 most basic health issue--keeping disease-causing pollutants out ofrepparttar 125971 environment and out of us.


What arerepparttar 125972 terrorist targets that haverepparttar 125973 most potential for causing problems? Here are three.

- Ports -- We're still inspecting only a fraction ofrepparttar 125974 more 6 million containers arriving in US coastal cities each year. Many security experts think it's just a matter of time before terrorists sneak a nuclear, chemical or biological device into one of them. By supportingrepparttar 125975 concept of "buying local," our leaders could begin reducingrepparttar 125976 traffic in our ports and thus makerepparttar 125977 problem more manageable. This would also reducerepparttar 125978 huge level of pollution associated with product transport. Instead, our leaders pursue ever-grander "free trade" schemes that will INCREASE port security problems.

- Chemical Plants and Other Facilities That Use Chemicals -- A terrorist strike at a facility that manufactures or uses toxic substances could release clouds of poisonous chemicals. And we're not only talking about heavy-duty chemical and industrial plants; many water-treatment facilities, for instance, still use toxic forms of chlorine for disinfection, even though safer alternatives are available. Those who currently control our federal government have been far too passive in addressing problems with high-chemical-use industries.

- Nuclear Power Plants -- Although most nuclear facilities are hardened against airplane strikes, many are vulnerable to direct terrorist takeover. Because there are only 103 nuclear power plants inrepparttar 125979 US and because they do get a fair degree of attention when it comes to security, this is probablyrepparttar 125980 least likely ofrepparttar 125981 three disaster scenarios presented here. But it's still a possibility, and instead of trying to reducerepparttar 125982 level ofrepparttar 125983 vulnerability by diverting investment resources to development of wind, solar, wave, and other clean, safe forms of electricity generation, some politicians are pushing plans to build MORE nuclear power plants. Egad.

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