Recovering Email Publishers Do Ads-On-Q!

Written by Trina L.C. Schiller

It is no secret that email publishing is becoming more and more difficult every day. With all ofrepparttar new SPAM legislation, filtering systems, and mailbox competition, an ezine publisher has less than a 50% chance of getting their information torepparttar 100771 desktops of readers. That is not a very good return for all ofrepparttar 100772 work invovled in bringing that publication into being. This is whyrepparttar 100773 introduction of RSS technology, blogging, and channel feed publishing has become a hot topic. Publishers using this technology, no longer have to concern themselves with filter busting, over crowded inboxes, orrepparttar 100774 issue of SPAM. Channel publishing is a method of bringing information torepparttar 100775 desktops of readers, directly. It is a non-emails based communication avenue, by which publishers can be read, and subscribers have 100% control over their subscriptions. Channel publishing also offersrepparttar 100776 benefit of article syndication, which as we all know, is how print writers make their money, syndicating their articles to newspapers and magazines. A select group of ezine publishers, who have moved their distribution system over torepparttar 100777 channel publishing system at, have taken channel publishing andrepparttar 100778 syndication of those channels to a new level. Presentingrepparttar 100779 marriage of channel syndication and advertising! They have dedicated a syndicated channel torepparttar 100780 publishing of advertisements, written in an informational article format, to offer marketersrepparttar 100781 opportunity to share their information withrepparttar 100782 world, withoutrepparttar 100783 hassles of email, orrepparttar 100784 restrictions ofrepparttar 100785 typical five line ad.

Harvesting Leads from Yahoo Groups

Written by Isaiah Hull

You may use this article for reprint if it remains unaltered and includesrepparttar author information and resource box. - Isaiah Hull

Harvesting Leads from Yahoo Groups

If you own an internet business or you're involved in an affliate program and you're having trouble getting traffic to your website or gateway, consider Yahoo Groups as an option to expand your visibility. You can sign up for dozens of these groups tonight--some which have subscriber bases of over 10,000 people--and then submit your ad to them immediately.

Before you begin, you'll need to determine what approach you're going to take for this. There are two ways to generate traffic through Yahoo Groups: 1) by submitting your ad to groups that are specifically looking for ADS; or 2) by providing a free service, such as a business advice article, a free ebook, or anything else you can think of that might help someone in you shoes - and then adding your resource box atrepparttar 100770 bottom, giving a link to your website or product. I personally would suggest doing both if you want to getrepparttar 100771 best results. There aren't that many groups that allow shameless promotions - andrepparttar 100772 ones that do are generally saturated with them.

Your next step is to get a text-editor/writing program that allows you to format your documents by characters-per-line (I would suggest gettingrepparttar 100773 free trial version of textpad- Once you have this text-editor setup, type or copy-and-paste your ad, article, or whatever else you're going to use intorepparttar 100774 text-editor and then format it for 55 characters-per-line (most submission forms require you to use 55-60 characters-per-line; if you do not, they'll reject your submission out-right).

Once you have done this, you'll want to sign up for a Yahoo email account if you do not have one already. This is free and you can do it easily by going to and filling in your information.

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