Recognize The Expert Within You!! Passionate Knowledge Can Lead to Wealth!!

Written by Dave Hertner

Author : Dave Hertner Contact : Web Site : Word Count : 750 (With resource box) Wrap : 60 characters Title : "Recognizerepparttar Expert Within You!! Passionate Knowledge Can Lead to Wealth"

Description: There is an expert within all of us. This article leadsrepparttar 121401 reader throughrepparttar 121402 identification process. It concludes with suggestions on how to market that interest.

Copyright 2002 (c) Dave Hertner, All rights Reserved. Permission is granted to electronically reprintrepparttar 121403 following article, in your publication, e-book or web site, as long as there are no changes made torepparttar 121404 copyright info andrepparttar 121405 resource box is included withrepparttar 121406 article.

Note: Title may be shortened to "Recognizerepparttar 121407 Expert Within You!!" if title block space is limited.

Please contactrepparttar 121408 author at: if this article is used. Please include publication location information.

=====================Begin Article Here=====================

"Recognizerepparttar 121409 Expert Within You!! Passionate Knowledge Can Lead to Wealth"

by Dave Hertner © Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved

I want to start this article off by telling you that you are an expert. Most people out there would initially disagree with this statement. I am here to prove to you that there is a wealth of information locked inside your brain that thousands of others would love to uncover !! The key to uncovering your valuable hidden knowledge is knowing your passion. It’s that simple !! Every one of us has a deep passion that revolves around something. It could be your job, a hobby, a sport, politics or your family. Any activity that absolutely turns your crank, is perfect raw material that can be turned into a steady stream of cash. Let’s think about what I just told you. I’m going to provide you a formula that will tap intorepparttar 121410 knowledge that you ALREADY have that can make you a great deal of money. All you have to do is recognize it and write it down !! The best way that I have found to identify your passion is to think about a conversational situation where you found yourself talking someone’s ear off. It may sound silly but this is a situation where you are passionately trying to convey an idea. For you to be passionate about a subject you have to have intimate knowledge and you are probably an authority onrepparttar 121411 subject. You simply do not recognize it. Now that we have identified your passion we need to harness its potential. Your passion andrepparttar 121412 information surrounding it, needs to be written down and then be formed into a saleable product. I call this ‘Breakingrepparttar 121413 Idea Out’.

Transition Your Mind!! From Dependant Employee to Self-Sufficient Entrepreneur

Written by Dave Hertner

Author : Dave Hertner Contact : Web Site : Word Count : 642 Wrap : 60 characters Title : "Transition Your Mind!! From Dependant Employee to Self-Sufficient Entrepreneur"

Description: You arerepparttar only warden over your mind. The steps outlined in this article holdrepparttar 121400 keys that can free your mind to see all ofrepparttar 121401 opportunities out there.

Copyright 2002 (c) Dave Hertner, All rights Reserved. Permission is granted to electronically reprintrepparttar 121402 following article, in your publication, e-book or web site, as long as there are no changes made torepparttar 121403 copyright info andrepparttar 121404 resource box is included withrepparttar 121405 article.

Note: Title may be shortened to "Transition Your Mind" if title block space is limited.

Please contactrepparttar 121406 author at: if this article is used. Please include publication location information.

=====================Begin Article Here===================== "Transition Your Mind!! From Dependant Employee to Self-Sufficient Entrepreneur" by Dave Hertner © Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved

There are a great many of you out there who are poised and ready to move intorepparttar 121407 next phase of your lives but you are stuck inrepparttar 121408 starting gate!! You have dedicated a part of yourself torepparttar 121409 romance and excitement that surrounds a new business venture but there is something holding you back.

Today, I'm going to help you see into yourself so you can take an honest look at why you're having trouble makingrepparttar 121410 transition into entrepreneurship.

As you grow yourself out of your current situation towards entrepreneurship, you will pass through three phases of development.

The first phase isrepparttar 121411 DEPENDENCY PHASE. Physical dependence isrepparttar 121412 same as if you were hooked on some sort of substance. Your mind has decided that it is completely reliant on something. It doesn't have to be a substance!! It could be a family location. It could be a physical impairment. It could be that you don't ownrepparttar 121413 type of clothing that your mind needs to see your body in before it can accept that you can be someone different.

The mental and emotional component of this dependence isrepparttar 121414 most important part to understand. If you cannot get a handle on your dependencies in this area you will get stuck in this phase. That said, this is alsorepparttar 121415 most liberating door to walk through. You have to sit your self down and take an HONEST look at your life up to this point. Remind yourself about your dreams!! Accomplishment inrepparttar 121416 absence of dreams is impossible!! Open yourself up torepparttar 121417 possible and focus your energy toward that goal!!

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