Reclaim Your Creative Spirit

Written by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

Reclaim Your Creative Spirit by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

When we first encounter God inrepparttar Bible, He is immersed inrepparttar 136437 act of creation. It is an act that provides pleasure and self-satisfaction. "God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good." (Gen 1:31) We who are made in God's image are also meant to create, to co-create with God. We are His instruments here on Earth. God's ideas take shape in our ideas and becomerepparttar 136438 work of our hands.

It sometimes seems as thoughrepparttar 136439 world is divided into two camps - those who are "creative" and those who are not. Nothing could be further fromrepparttar 136440 truth. We are all born with innate creative ability. Young children automatically create. They do not need to be shown how to express themselves creatively. They build with blocks, scribble with crayons, explore with clay and paint, sing and dance with glee, and they do so with both abandon and determination. It is an act of joy. While having a definite purpose in mind, they create purely to create. The results have a freshness and spontaneity to them that many adults attempt to capture in their own creative endeavors.

At some point, however, we begin to attempt a more realistic approach to our creative projects. We begin to feel that there is a "right" way for our pictures to look, our songs to sound, our dance steps to be. Perhaps some well-meaning adult told us to color inrepparttar 136441 lines, or we simply began to observe other adult's creativity at work. Regardless, we begin to judge our work, and decide it doesn't measure up to our own or other's expectations. We forgetrepparttar 136442 joy of creating and instead focus onrepparttar 136443 outcome.

It is possible, however, to reclaim that lost joy and nurturerepparttar 136444 creativity within us. Julia Cameron in "The Artist's Way" (G.P. Putnam's Sons) tells us that "when we open ourselves to our creativity, we open ourselves torepparttar 136445 creator's creativity within us and our lives." She goes on to say that we must give ourselves permission to be bad at our creative endeavors, becauserepparttar 136446 fear of being bad is oftenrepparttar 136447 only thing keeping us from being good. We need to send our inner judge away forrepparttar 136448 duration and allow ourselves to be beginners, to create forrepparttar 136449 pure joy of creating. Cameron emphasizesrepparttar 136450 fact that we alone do not dorepparttar 136451 creating. God works through us. As she states inrepparttar 136452 artist's prayer: "Great Creator, I will take care ofrepparttar 136453 quantity. You take care ofrepparttar 136454 quality." We must open ourselves up torepparttar 136455 flow that is within us.

Why Receive Christian Pre-marital Counseling?

Written by W Melendez

Why Christian Pre-marital Counseling?

“Love is long suffering, and is kind; love has no envy, love is not boastful, love does not behave itself inappropriately, seeks not its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil, rejoices not in injustice, but rejoices inrepparttar truth; love bears all things, believes everything, endures everything”. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

These beautiful words hold us to a high standard. That is why it has been said that before marriage one ought to open our eyes wide, but afterwards keep them half closed. In order to hold up this standard, so necessary for a marriage to work, we need to choose wisely. To decide if you are ready for marriage, you need to choose someone you can trust, because distrust erodes a relationship, and so does undeserved trust. You also need to know what your responsibilities torepparttar 136406 marriage partner are so that you can evaluate yourself realistically. These two things can be done withrepparttar 136407 help of pre-marital therapy.

Why do you need Christian pre-marital therapy? The quote above is fromrepparttar 136408 Bible. The greatest book of love isrepparttar 136409 Bible. The book of Luke is considered by many to berepparttar 136410 most beautiful book ever written. The book of Luke, as well asrepparttar 136411 gospels of Mathew, Mark, and John, tells how Jesus died to save us -repparttar 136412 believers and nowrepparttar 136413 church- from our sins. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also lovedrepparttar 136414 church, giving himself up for it”. Ephesians 5:25. God isrepparttar 136415 expert, par excellence, on love.

There is nothing wrong with going to a psychologist, a social worker, a professional counselor, or a psychiatrist for pre-marital and marital therapy. In fact I would encourage you because churches sometimes give only six sessions of pre-marital couple therapy, or group pre-marital therapy with non professional married couples as group leaders and this is barely just enough. Many couples who have received pre-marital therapy say that it helped them but that they wish they had received more therapy. There is so much need inrepparttar 136416 church for marital, family, addiction, and other kinds of counseling, that there is not enough pre-marital therapy. I would recommend supplementingrepparttar 136417 church’s pre-marital therapy with other pre-marital counseling.

However, Christian pre-marital counseling adds a dimension that secular therapies do not usually have. For example,repparttar 136418 Christian counselor advises couples not to have sex before marriage. In his book on dating, Boy Meets Girl, Pastor Joshua Harris explains how a manager of a hotel for honeymooners would run out of activities forrepparttar 136419 newly married to do. This was becauserepparttar 136420 now bored couples had pre-marital sex. Whereas, Joshua and his wife, who did not have sex prior to marriage, hardly left their room!

Inrepparttar 136421 city where I live there is a saying amongrepparttar 136422 non-believers. They say that marriage kills sex. But it is not marriage that kills sex, but pre-marital sex that kills marriage. I knew of one couple that lived together and had sex everyday before to marriage. After marriage,repparttar 136423 wife confided, they had sex once a month. It is not worth it to ruin twenty five or more years of marital sex for one year or even less of pre-marital sex.

If you are contemplating marriage and you are living together, you must move apart and stop having sex for a time until you get married underrepparttar 136424 guidance ofrepparttar 136425 pastor or Christian counselor. Physical intimacy is like a battery. It becomes charged with non sexual activities and gives off energy with sex. Do not skip that pre-marriage charging time. When thinking about what pre-marital therapy is, people have different points of view. One woman tells how she was looking forward to marital therapy thirty years ago. “I thought that we would receive counseling courses about marital responsibility, butrepparttar 136426 entire time,repparttar 136427 courses, which were called ‘marital counseling’, were about catechism.” She was disappointed as were many people inrepparttar 136428 course.

Decades later, now divorced, she expects that marital counseling should be about what marriage is, what people expect it to be, and what it will really be like. Dr. Wayne Mack makes a point that partners differ in expectations and should not wait until marriage to discuss these differences.

Dr. Nancy Alvarez, secular psychologist and sexologist says that some men want marriage with weekends off. That means they spend weekends drinking with their male friends as if they were single, instead of being with their wife. Obviously, that does not work out. Couples should also discuss why they are in love with one another. It has been observed that some people become happy when they hear why their betrothed wants to marry them, others become angry.

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