Recessions Don't Last Forever!

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at Net word count is 715 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly © 2003.

Recessions Don’t Last Forever!

It could, but what if it doesn’t?

Will you be prepared?

Will those key external audiences of yours, whose behaviors REALLY affect you, look favorably at you and your business?

Because, oncerepparttar economy emerges from recession, if they don’t, you’ll have one arm tied behind your back.

Don’t let that happen. Instead, decide now which groups of people outside your organization can help or hurt yourepparttar 105443 most. For our purposes, that #1 group is your key target audience.

What’s going throughrepparttar 105444 minds of members of that audience? You and your people must monitor those perceptions by interacting with these important folks, and asking questions. Yes, that takes time, but you must do it!

Take this approach when you actually meet those members. Start with questions. What do you think of our operation, products or services? Stay alert for wrong thinking, misconceptions and inaccuracies that can hurt. Watch for rumors or beliefs that can lead to behaviors that will pain you. And be especially sensitive to negative conversational tone. Does it suggest that a problem may be onrepparttar 105445 horizon?

The answers you gather will let you create a corrective public relations goal. It may call for straightening out a damaging misconception about your service quality, or it may seek to replace an inaccurate perception withrepparttar 105446 truth. Sometimes, your public relations goal will zero in on a particularly hurtful rumor with plans to lay it to rest. For that matter, even a less than positive overall impression of your organization can be targeted for improvement by your public relations goal

How do you achieve that goal? You select a strategy that shows you how to get there. There are only three choices. Create opinion (perceptions) where none exist, change existing opinion, or reinforce it. Selectrepparttar 105447 one that obviously fits your public relations goal.

Positive Work Environments Can be Profitable to Your Wealth

Written by Ted Gorski

Getting Results. This isrepparttar primary role ofrepparttar 105440 manager. An important aspect of this role is creating and maintaining a positive work environment. Why is it so important? Positive work environments increase productivity, which inrepparttar 105441 long run—produce extraordinary results. Here are my five top ways to build a vibrant, energetic environment.

1. Positive Reinforcement. Acknowledge your employees contributions. This action demonstrates that you know and appreciate their efforts. It also shows that care about their personal development. Individuals always enjoy receiving positive feedback. Don’t you?

2. Delegate. Provide employees with ever-growing responsibility andrepparttar 105442 authority to getrepparttar 105443 job done. This makes your staff feel valued, trusted and respected.

3. “Learn From Mistakes”. Allowing your staffrepparttar 105444 freedom to make mistakes encourages them to work “outsiderepparttar 105445 box” and to utilize creativity. If your staff feels they will be chastised for every error, they will become reactive versus proactive and productivity suffers.

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