"Reasons You Aren't Starting the Decision Making Process About Whether To Get a Divorce Or Stay Married"

Written by Karl Augustine

Along with any tough decision comes reluctance, especially when that decision involves an actual process and might potentially involve emotional pain or anguish. Deciding whether or not to get a divorce or stay married can be a frightening time for most people, even if they know deep inside themselves that they have to actually make a decision, one way or another.

People are reluctant to embark on an 'emotionally driven' decision making process because they fear that it will be uncomfortable or painful for them. The irony here is obvious...if they need to make this decision, their life or a portion if it, is already uncomfortable. One thing is for certain, deciding whether to get a divorce or stay married is indeed a process.

This process, like any other, includes key elements…elements that need to be examined. The elements of this process are self-revealing and can only come from withinrepparttar person makingrepparttar 111086 decision. The decision making process is comprised of stages and viewpoints about those stages. Stages are smaller pieces ofrepparttar 111087 overall process andrepparttar 111088 viewpoints of each of those stages are only defined byrepparttar 111089 person makingrepparttar 111090 decision. If you're trying to decide whether or not you should get a divorce or stay married, you must look atrepparttar 111091 stage of life you are currently in, and understand how you feel about it by clearly defining your viewpoint about it.

Are you completely unhappy?

Relatively unhappy?

Partially unhappy?

Do you feel that your marriage is unhealthy enough that you intend to do something about it?


You can look back inrepparttar 111092 past and reflect on other stages of your life and examine how you felt about those stages if they contributed to your problem as you view it now. Reflecting onrepparttar 111093 past can be an effective way to identify key occurrences that may have shapedrepparttar 111094 way your viewpoint is currently. Reflecting also can help you to identify trends in behavior that may have contributed to your viewpoint. But inrepparttar 111095 end,repparttar 111096 viewpoint and stage that matters most isrepparttar 111097 current one and that'srepparttar 111098 one that you need to define and assess most.

It is human tendency to reflect onrepparttar 111099 past and hold onto thoughts and feelings that were once good, but doing this might keep you in a stale mate if you dwell onrepparttar 111100 past too much. You have to look atrepparttar 111101 present time and actually "decide to decide" so to speak. Once you do realize that you need to decide whether or not to get a divorce, there will be things that will creep up that will actually keep you from taking action and deciding.

Ways Father's can Invest in Their Children

Written by Darrin F. Coe, MA

One ofrepparttar primary negative impacts on children isrepparttar 111085 lack of a consistent, nurturing father or father-figure. One ofrepparttar 111086 primary predictors of future violent behavior in boys is how much neglect they perceive from their father. It’s not enough for “dad” to go to work, come home, readrepparttar 111087 paper, watch ESPN and then go to bed. That’s being a roommate not a dad. Children need to perceive active investment from fathers. We’ve defined a good dad asrepparttar 111088 man who works consistently, brings homerepparttar 111089 paycheck, and doesn’t openly abuse his children and family. I think it’s time to expect more out of fathers. Here’s some suggestions. 1) Mentor Humility: Fathers can have a powerful impact on their children if they are willing to actively mentor humility. Showing children it’s ok to admit when they are wrong and placing others before one’s self are powerful investments. 2) Invest Time: Set aside time for your children on a regular, frequent basis. This time is forrepparttar 111090 kids. It allows them to bond with dad and each other in a familial, empowering way. This develops family coherence, problem solving development, and can be used to develop ethics and values.

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