Reasons Why People Don't Buy From You

Written by didier

1. You don't make people feel safe when they order. Remind people that they are ordering through a secure server. Tell them you won't sell their e-mail address and all their information will be kept confidential. 2. You don't make your ad copy attractive. Your ad lists features instead of benefits. The headline does not attract at your target audience. You don't list any testimonials or guarantees included in your ad. 3. You don't remind people to come back and visit. People usually don't purchaserepparttar first time they visit. The more times they visit your site,repparttar 103021 greaterrepparttar 103022 chance they will buy. The most effective way is to give them a free subscription to your e-zine. 4. You don't let people know anything about your business. They will feel more comfortable if they know who they are buying from. Publish a section called "About Us" on your web site. Include your business history, profile of employees, contact information etc. 5. You don't give people as many ordering options as possible. Accept credit cards, checks, money orders, and other forms of electronic payments. Take orders by phone, e-mail, web site, fax, mail, etc. 6. You don't make your web site look professional. You want to have your own domain name. Your web

Automating Your Home Based Business - Saving You Time

Written by Nell Taliercio

First of all, what is automating a business? Simply put, it’s having today’s technology dorepparttar tedious and time consuming tasks that you currently have to do manually. This in turns frees up time that you can work on other business building aspects or spend it with loved ones.

Today’s technology gives you a multitude of programs to smooth your way to owning a highly successful business. Using automation programs are a necessity for every business. It can give you back hundreds of hours a year forrepparttar 103020 more important things in life. It’s like having a personal assistant at your fingertips 24/7.

Why do some businesses struggle year after year and others seem to take off like a rocket right fromrepparttar 103021 start? Well, if you were able to see “behindrepparttar 103022 scenes” of those highly successful businesses, you would find that one of their secrets to their success is using technology to automate as much of their business as possible so that they can continue to grow their business in other areas.

Automating Your Business Will

Increase traffic to your site or store - Did you know there are ways to automatically send your articles and messages to all forums that you are a member of? Automating your submissions increases your link exposure, which will build your search engine rankings and traffic to your site. Learn more about this at Forum Fortunes.

Streamline your website administration - One ofrepparttar 103023 most time consuming tasks is replying to individual emails. By automating your email program to respond to every inquiry immediately, create mailing lists for your newsletters and sending out your Ezine, you will save countless hours that you can use for other business growing projects. Learn more about this at AWeber.

Improve customer satisfaction and make your life a lot less stressful - Offering a good shopping cart to keep track of items your visitors choose to purchase from your site until they are ready to “check out” will assure that your customers are getting exactly what they want. Many shopping carts come with special features to calculate discounts and coupons as well as offer secure payment transactions instantly. Learn more about this at Store Front Ecommerce.

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