Realize Your Book Dream In 2004!

Written by Judy Cullins

Realize Your Book Dream In 2004! Judy Cullins c. 2004 All Rights Reserved

If you haven't realizedrepparttar success you wanted last year, here's a way to reaprepparttar 129149 harvest with 86% improvement!

Userepparttar 129150 power of visualization.

When you see, hear, and feel your book project already manifested through specific outcomes, you'll be inrepparttar 129151 86% success group. It's far easier to perceive specific outcomes as true when visualizing them as they already happened. Claim your dream as true now in specific outcomes.

This outcome, "I see myself signing autographed copies" is far more powerful than "I will autograph copies when my book is done." It's always easier to look back on what led to your success than look down than long road ahead to a doubtful success because it's so far inrepparttar 129152 future.

If you're like me and are willing to be 86% successful or more, you'll want to use my “Book Dream Mental Rehearsal 5-Step System" below. I've used it for all my projects including writing compelling copy for my Web site home page.

Last January I applied this system to write two new books: "How to Market your Business Online" and Seven Sure-Fire Ways to Publicize your Book." In two months I had two saleable books that are helping thousands realize their book and business dreams.

The Book Dream Mental Rehearsal 5-Step System

To help my prospective and regular clients realize their book and Internet marketing dreams, I finished these books last year: "Quadruple Your Online Book Sales in Four Months with Free Articles" and "How to Create your Web Site with Marketing Pizzazz."

On a page in my business journal I wrote these phrases:

Now that they are finished...:

1. I SEE my Web sales continue to grow from $1500 to over $3000 each month. .

2. I HEAR seminar and teleclass participants' applause through outrageous testimonials praising my easy and fast internet marketing strategies any beginner can uses

3. I FEEL grateful and exhilarated I get to have this adventure, enjoying easy work.

Now, you Can Create Your Writing Dream

Publishing Your Book—What Way is Best For You? - Part 1

Written by Judy Cullins

Publishing Your Book—What Way is Best For You? - Part 1 Judy Cullins c 2004 All Rights Reserved

Your print or ebook is nearly finished. You wonder if you should try to get an agent to represent you torepparttar publisher. Maybe you've already sent out your query letter to some agents. You dream how great it would be to be taken underrepparttar 129147 publisher's wings.

What's wrong with this picture? Even if an agent has given yourepparttar 129148 go and asks for a book proposal that has specific marketing information in it (takes three-seven months to write), you still have to face reality. FACT: Like Oprah, publishers and agents choose only 1-2% of proposals submitted.

Let's say for now, you are chosen. The point is, are you fortunate to be chosen?

Are you willing to wait onrepparttar 129149 traditional publishing process 12 months more? Are you willing to accept around 2-5% ofrepparttar 129150 profits? Do you realize that after a few months of one initial book tour (of which you must pay all costs from your book sales), you are on your own? And, it you don't put a lot of time into promotion, your book will fade away within 2 months fromrepparttar 129151 brick and mortar book store shelves. All unsold and coffee-stained books left will be returned, andrepparttar 129152 cost is deducted fromrepparttar 129153 author's royalties. Unless you are a favored celebrity or famous author, publishers put little time or money into your book's promotion.

Getrepparttar 129154 Right Helprepparttar 129155 Right Way

Who says you can't publishrepparttar 129156 book yourself? It will certainly cost you less than you imagine, even under $1000. It will bring you allrepparttar 129157 profits. It will put you in charge to make suitable and favorable writing, publishing and promotion decisions.

With a little help from professionals! These entrepreneurial experts such as book coaches, book designers, and eBook specialists can guide you through publishing success. These people may give teleclasses, small group coaching experiences, inexpensive ways to learnrepparttar 129158 ropes. These pros will shorten your learning curve too, so you getrepparttar 129159 right help right away to writerepparttar 129160 right book right away.

When you think you still have to promote your books, even with a publisher, why not keep most ofrepparttar 129161 profits and do some ofrepparttar 129162 work yourself? Learn from your coach's experiences, "Do What You Do Best—and Hirerepparttar 129163 Rest!" (That doesn't mean you can't barter for services). Check outrepparttar 129164 methods below and see which one suits you best, is more rewarding and far more profitable.

Why Self-Publishing?

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