Real Friends

Written by Skye Thomas

About a year ago, I was talking to a friend of mine onrepparttar telephone. He had just experienced a big success in his career and wanted to brag. We had a great time cheering and laughing over his big moment. Then as we were wrapping up our phone call, he apologized for gloating to me. I blew it off telling him, "Don't apologize! Real friends are people that you can cry with duringrepparttar 129524 bad times and gloat with duringrepparttar 129525 good times. Everyone else expects you to be politically correct in your behaviors." What'srepparttar 129526 point of having friends if you can't be yourself around them?

A friend is someone to cry with duringrepparttar 129527 bad times. Everyone knows how great it is to have a friend during your time of need to cry on their shoulder. In reality, people don't like it if you cry on their shoulder for very long. Sorepparttar 129528 sign of a real friend is that you can cry on their shoulder until you're done crying. And if you're crying too long, your friend will make you snap out of it. They help you to pull yourself back together rather than just give a superficial "There there dearie" and then going on about their lives. You'll be able to tell real quick who your real friends are duringrepparttar 129529 crisis and uglier times of your life. They'rerepparttar 129530 only ones still hanging around.

A friend is some to gloat with duringrepparttar 129531 good times. We're all raised that it's distasteful to brag and to come across as egotistical. The result is that most of us are afraid to say much of anything positive about ourselves. You're allowed to celebrate a job promotion, a marriage, orrepparttar 129532 birth of a child, but it's supposed to be done with class and style. A real friend is someone that you can call up and spend twenty minutes telling them what an awesome job you just did on a project at work and how you feel so incredibly proud of yourself and they are going to be happy for you. They are not going to chastise you for being arrogant. When you have some serious politics going on at work and you pull of a brilliant career move, your friend is going to cheer with you and laugh along with you as you succeed.

A friend is someone to rage with when life is really unfair. That's not to say they're going to help you plot your ex's murder or anything like that, but when you're really ticked off and need to vent, they'll be there for you. You can safely tell your real friends just how angry you are and they'll help you find ways to dissipaterepparttar 129533 anger and to eventually let it go. Humor is a wonderful way that friends have of helping us to let go of our anger. Rather then help you plotrepparttar 129534 murder, they can throw out a few wonderfully witty comments about your ex and get you laughing again. Know matter what it is that you're upset about, your real friends will be there for you.

We All Send Signals

Written by Diann Cannon

Think for a moment about all ofrepparttar signals people send. As much as some try we cannot compartmentalize our lives. We are all affected by our spirituality, our intellect, our emotions, and our physical ability, and each area of our lives affectsrepparttar 129522 other.

Our bodies send signals of all kinds to those around us, and even to our own soul. Did you know thatrepparttar 129523 word psychology is named afterrepparttar 129524 Greek word psyche, which is literallyrepparttar 129525 study ofrepparttar 129526 soul? Who we are cannot be separated from our bodies.

Recently one of my clients was speaking at length about eye contact and it's importance, another signal. How we carry ourselves as we walk fast or slow, straight or hunched over is a signal that can tell others at least a couple of things about who we are.

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