Real Estate Professionals Need You to Write for Them!

Written by Isabel Fena

Ask yourself these questions:

·Are you an experienced writer? ·Do you want to stay at home to write? ·Do you want to work for yourself? ·Do you learn new things quickly? ·Are you interested in a broad number of subjects? ·Do you feel like you’re being pigeonholed with your current writing and you want to branch out? ·Do you have a flair for marketing?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions – or even better – several, you may have found a new career!

It’s more important than ever for real estate professionals to market themselves legally consideringrepparttar laws regarding email and telephone sales seem to change daily - depending on which court is hearingrepparttar 129196 case. Many experts speculate though that eventually some sort of anti-telemarketing law will be enforced and while it’s much more difficult to regulate email, it’s still being made more and more difficult to use this form of marketing and sales. So basically it comes down torepparttar 129197 fact that real estate professionals need an effective way to market themselves without breakingrepparttar 129198 law.

If you’ve ever done business with a Realtor or Mortgage Broker they probably still send you newsletters, recipe cards, sport’s schedules, notepads, etc. If they don’t they aren’t marketing themselves very effectively and you may have found your first client!

The majority of a real estate professional’s business comes from word of mouth - whether it’s repeat business from people who are refinancing their mortgage, applying for a home equity loan, selling their house, renting their house, or from clients who recommend “their guy” to friends and relatives. Whatever it is, it’s inrepparttar 129199 professional’s best interest to keep their name on your mind.

The frequency with which real estate professionals send out these marketing materials varies. My own Realtor usually sends me a quarterly newsletter along with goodies like flower seeds and notepads throughoutrepparttar 129200 year. Some ofrepparttar 129201 more industrious professionals actually send out newsletters on a weekly basis!

The key is forrepparttar 129202 professional to get his/her name and phone number in front of as many sets of eyes as possible. Whenrepparttar 129203 professional sends you a newsletter, that includes several interesting articles, such as how to increaserepparttar 129204 value of your home or budget decorating tips or how to clean up your credit before you apply for a mortgage, etc. you find these articles so fascinating you hang on torepparttar 129205 newsletter. Or you know that your next-door neighbor is particularly interested in decorating on a budget so you pass it along to her and so on. Next thing you know, many set of eyes have seenrepparttar 129206 real estate professional’s name and they decide to call him/her when they needrepparttar 129207 services of a real estate professional.

I'm Just The Writer

Written by Stephen Schochet

Writers are often are greatly surprised or disappointed by how their work is changed when it is adapted forrepparttar big screen. When Irwin Shaw's World War II novel The Young Lions was shot in Paris in 1958,repparttar 129192 Nazi character was played by Marlon Brando. Everrepparttar 129193 method actor, Brando provoked an uproar by strutting around town in his SS uniform, even going into restaurants to dine. The thirty three year old star was unsure ifrepparttar 129194 Parisians ripping his clothes were doing it out of adulation or disdain. Like most actors Brando wanted to be loved and he took his concern to Shaw thatrepparttar 129195 Nazi be made sympathetic. "You just don't understandrepparttar 129196 character", Brando toldrepparttar 129197 amazed writer. "It's my character," replied Shaw. "Not anymore", repliedrepparttar 129198 actor.

Some writers grow resigned to their voices being lost. George S. Kaufman wroterepparttar 129199 screenplay forrepparttar 129200 Marx Brother's comedy Animal Crackers in 1930. He attended rehearsals and realized that nothing Groucho, Chico and Harpo were doing resembled his original draft. He watched asrepparttar 129201 director Victor Heerman was driven to distraction byrepparttar 129202 brothers showing up late, placing bets on horses, playingrepparttar 129203 stock market and never sticking torepparttar 129204 script. Heeman literally threatened to imprison them in cages till they behaved. Kaufman took it in stride falling asleep through much ofrepparttar 129205 tomfoolery. At one pointrepparttar 129206 writer woke up with a start and shouted," Oh my God! I thought I heard one of my lines."

A few years ago comedy playwright Neil Simon announced he was moving from Los Angeles to New York. In Los Angeles he was isolated in his car allrepparttar 129207 time and he felt it is was hurting his writing. Better to be in New York where you walked everywhere and met people. His departure may have been hastened by writing and showing up torepparttar 129208 set of The Marrying Man (1991). He got to witness Kim Basinger holding uprepparttar 129209 production with tardiness, temper tantrums and her much publicized love affair with co-star Alec Baldwin. Simon was humiliated when she held up her copy ofrepparttar 129210 script and stated for all to hear," Whoever wrote this knows nothing about comedy!" The Odd Couple writer was too insulted to help fixrepparttar 129211 plot problems andrepparttar 129212 picture bombed.

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