Real Estate Investors And The Internet

Written by Mark Walters

The Internet is a powerful marketing tool, but just how can a real estate investor makerepparttar best use of Web pages?

We've spent some time experimenting with Web sites and we've found a couple of ways that they can be useful.

First.. we just don't believe you can effectively use Web sites to find motivated sellers. It least you can't find them consistently. How many motivated home sellers do a Google search for "fast home buyer"?

We have two Web sites. Web site #1 serves two purposes...

First it acts a brochure. It explains that we buy and sell property and cash flows of all kinds. It revealsrepparttar 102820 names ofrepparttar 102821 principal players in our company. It gives our address, phone numbers and email addresses.

We placerepparttar 102822 URL for this Web site on all our promotional material... letter head, business cards, flyers, newspaper ads, etc. It does not produce home sellers, but it does help to establish our credibility with sellers we find through other means. They can checkrepparttar 102823 Web site and learn we are real people with a real business.

The second task that Web site #1 performs is to presentrepparttar 102824 homes we have for sale and for rent. We create a page for each with well written copy that containsrepparttar 102825 property's address.. and nice photos ofrepparttar 102826 house, yard, nearby parks, shopping areas and schools.

Failure IS an option.

Written by Gary Durkin

I wrote an article on this very subject, withrepparttar same title a few years ago. And… it was a pretty decent article if I do say so myself!

Then I lost it. Gone. Deleted in error with no backup!

Talk about ‘ironic’……..

Well, moving forward (hint) - overrepparttar 102819 years I have come into contact with a vast array of different people from all walks of life. Some extremely rich, then those quiterepparttar 102820 opposite. Some very well-known - others who will never want their ‘15 minutes of fame’.

Business people, colleagues, employees, friends……repparttar 102821 list goes on and on.

They ALL (just like you and me) have one thing in common. Failure.

Yep - we are ALL failures at something. Or we have all failed at one to or another….. And it’s more than likely we will all fail again at something.

Hands up all of you who have NEVER failed at ANYTHING?

Relationships, work / employment, exams, dieting, keep fit & exercise, decorating, gardening, keeping pets, D.I.Y., money, puzzles, competitions, cooking, gambling, auditions, interviews…and just about everything!

It doesn’t have to be a massive ‘failure’ - sometimes these do happen, but anything which goes wrong, you mess up, you can’t do….. Is failure.

Most marriages end up in divorce. Most new small-businesses inrepparttar 102822 real world, collapse within their first two years. Most people trying to make money onrepparttar 102823 internet - don’t.

The KEY here, is what you do when it happens? How do you deal with it? What happens next?

The solution is a simple formula I have been telling people for years. Whether it’s friends, clients, staff, peers……. Whether I do it as part of a motivational course, or just straight-forward advice…. The formula is exactlyrepparttar 102824 same.

How you applyrepparttar 102825 formula can vary from ‘Passive Pre-Event Style’…. up to ‘Aggressive Post-Event Style.

What am I talking about?

It’s like flicking a switch inside you…… fromrepparttar 102826 passive ‘ I know allrepparttar 102827 steps’…… torepparttar 102828 more aggressive ‘ I’ve GOTTA DO IT NOW….’

Have you ever seenrepparttar 102829 classic comedy film ‘Airplane’ ?

The Cabin Crew carefully explained allrepparttar 102830 safety procedures torepparttar 102831 passengers. But when ‘disaster strikes’ - all hell breaks loose! Everyone panics! Allrepparttar 102832 instructions go outrepparttar 102833 window!

OK - it was a movie. Butrepparttar 102834 similarities to real-life are commonplace.

We often know what we SHOULD DO - but we find excuses to ignore it. If you simply ‘give up’ and do nothing - what are you expecting as a result?

“It wasn’t my fault….” … maybe it wasn’t. “The system doesn’t work”….. So what? “Someone told me to do it”….. and if they told you to jump off a cliff? “The computer made a mistake”…… oh really?! “Someone criticised me”…… Get over it. “I’m just not good enough”…… Choose not to be.

OK - time for a few sayings…….. And hey!… these weren’t written by someone for no reason!

‘Try…..try…..and try again.’

‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always had’.

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