Real Estate Investors - Red Alert

Written by Mark Walters

Real Estate Investors - Red Alert

How'srepparttar real estate marketing doing? Isrepparttar 139014 huge jump in home prices that is evident in some areas symptoms of a value bubble? Good questions, yes?

Two things to keep in mind when surveyingrepparttar 139015 market:

1. All real estate is local, 2. Real estate is cyclical.

Here in Arizona some residential areas have seen as much as a 30% jump in value inrepparttar 139016 last 8 to 12 months. The word about increasing Arizona home values has spread acrossrepparttar 139017 country. We recently sold a home to an out of state buyer who never looked atrepparttar 139018 property. His agent is just buying homes, becauserepparttar 139019 buyer is sure prices will continue to escalate.

Inrepparttar 139020 case of another of our houses a buyer offered $2,000 above our asking price onrepparttar 139021 day we posted a for sale sign onrepparttar 139022 property. We were asking more than we expected to get!

Atrepparttar 139023 same time we received a telephone call from a relative living in California. He was very excited because his brother-in-law was sure he would get rich by buying a couple of Arizona homes. Should her dorepparttar 139024 same, he asked?

Such events have allrepparttar 139025 earmarks of a price bubble... if only in Arizona. Onrepparttar 139026 other hand...

On a recent trip to Buffalo, New York,repparttar 139027 local newspaper ran a story explaining that home sales were up. Inrepparttar 139028 same article it revealed thatrepparttar 139029 median price of a home had dropped. In other words, people are hurrying to buy homes that are dropping value. There's more...

Mortgage Banker's Association data shows that adjustable-rate and interest-only mortgages accounted for nearly two-thirds of mortgage originations inrepparttar 139030 second half of last year.

Loans of that type help push up housing prices, because they carry lower initial monthly payments, enabling borrowers to purchase more expensive homes. Basic economics... if more people can buy homes there is more demand... More demand means higher prices.

Groupware: The Triple Threat of Document Collaboration Technology

Written by Joe Miller

Document Collaboration has made leaps and bounds sincerepparttar explosion ofrepparttar 138996 technology revolution. In any business era,repparttar 138997 need to collaborate remains a constant. What varies isrepparttar 138998 ability of technology to keep up with demands ofrepparttar 138999 collaborators. Groupware has risen torepparttar 139000 challenge, delivering solutions that streamlinerepparttar 139001 editorial process - tracking documents, sorting, and even merging documents, essentially answeringrepparttar 139002 who, what, when, where, and how of collaboration.

Even withinrepparttar 139003 family of groupware solutions, new technologies are available to take document collaboration to a higher level. Since all groupware technology is not created equal, it is important to search carefully. Millions of indexed pages on your favorite search engine becomerepparttar 139004 one groupware every business is looking for when searching throughrepparttar 139005 newest technologies available in groupware.

Digital Thread technology, Version History, and Document Signature services form a new “triple threat” in document collaboration technology. It is a time-saver, an energy-saver, and a money-saver.

In business efforts to preserverepparttar 139006 bottom line, effective management and thorough record keeping are paramount.

Considerrepparttar 139007 following example:

Negotiations for a contract between company A and company B have been going on for months, with law firm C asrepparttar 139008 author and mediator ofrepparttar 139009 contract. Three representatives from A and B have been part of a drafting committee with a partner from C, making a committee of seven, each with various electronic records of by laws, budgets, minutes, and memos. The deadline forrepparttar 139010 final draft ofrepparttar 139011 contract falls due in a few weeks.

This could be a create-your-own-ending story, and you will see two alternative endings.

First ending: The committee has a semi-organized pile of various drafts of files distributed over seven separate hard-drives, with numerous copies ofrepparttar 139012 drafts sent via email torepparttar 139013 other members ofrepparttar 139014 committee. The report is almost ready to be merged; however, asrepparttar 139015 committee members surveyrepparttar 139016 documents on their drives and emails accounts they realize they do not know who made certain changes, which drafts they are to merge, when each ofrepparttar 139017 changes were made, whererepparttar 139018 drafts are stored, and how they are going to mergerepparttar 139019 changes all withinrepparttar 139020 month remaining untilrepparttar 139021 deadline.

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