Real Estate Investor Banned From Renting His Property?

Written by Mark Walters

Do you realize that you might be prevented from renting your investment home? Prohibiting property owners from leasing their properties is a trend that is growing increasingly popular with some developers and many Homeowners' Associations (HOA).

It's rare that you can buy a new home in a development that does have a HOA. As a homeowner you are bound byrepparttar HOA restrictions found inrepparttar 103026 Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs).

The CC&Rs regulate your use of your property, restricting everything fromrepparttar 103027 color ofrepparttar 103028 house, window coverings, holiday decorations, sports courts, pets, to landscaping and etc.

One ofrepparttar 103029 most recent restrictions that builders are including in their CC&Rs is a restriction that prohibitsrepparttar 103030 homeowner from leasing their property. Builders have a provision in their sales contracts stating thatrepparttar 103031 home will be a primary or secondary residence and thatrepparttar 103032 purchaser will occupyrepparttar 103033 home. The owner is strictly prohibited from rentingrepparttar 103034 home.

Why this trend? The idea is to limitrepparttar 103035 number of rentals in a subdivision because lenders believe that a high number of rentals in a community affectsrepparttar 103036 value ofrepparttar 103037 property and can eroderepparttar 103038 security of their loans.

Existing HOAs likerepparttar 103039 idea of no rentals and there seems to be a growing movement to amend their CC&Rs to addrepparttar 103040 "no leasing" provision.

Building A Business That Works For You

Written by Gordon Goh

Before you want to build your business, you need to know why you are in this business.

Many of us entered business as a technician. You knowrepparttar technical nature of this business; you do it everyday; over and over again. The question is: How can you do this technical work withrepparttar 103025 highest level of efficiency and effectiveness so that you'll have a great business?

Some of you enteredrepparttar 103026 business asrepparttar 103027 manager. You plan, you quantify, and you implement it with and through others. The question is: How can you do management work that will get your team to work for as though they're running their own business?

Some of you enteredrepparttar 103028 business as an entrepreneur. You have this wonderful idea. You're an innovator. How do I get others to see it, to feel it, to breathe it?

Is this familiar to you? It should be, there is an entrepreneur, manager and technician in all of us. We need all three to have a successful business.

Building a Business FOR YOU is just about 3 steps:

Step 1: Why You Do What You Do

The starting point for building a business that works begins with why you do what you do. The challenge facing most business owners isrepparttar 103029 understanding of what they want for their life. It's notrepparttar 103030 cars,repparttar 103031 money, orrepparttar 103032 house. It isrepparttar 103033 essence,repparttar 103034 purpose of their life. It'srepparttar 103035 source of their passion and their vitality. It gives them clarity and purpose. It is their guiding light. It is what we call their Ultimate Objective.

Do you know your Ultimate Objective? The business is designed and built to give you what you want, because it's your life we're talking about.

Step 2: Your Strategic Vision

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