Read the Label, Better Yet Don't

Written by Paul Griffitts

I have been studying and teachingrepparttar Bible for over 30 years and every time I hearrepparttar 126530 words Dispensationalist or Ultra-Dispensationalist or Charismatic or even Cultist those little hairs onrepparttar 126531 back of my neck stand up. Labels are what today’s so called Christian leaders use to discredit doctrine that if they themselves were to discover it inrepparttar 126532 Word of God they would have to not believe it because doing so would ruin their acceptable ministries.

Many years ago I read a book by what is considered one ofrepparttar 126533 best Bible researchers who ever lived, C. H. Welch. The book was titled Dispensational Truth. The book is aboutrepparttar 126534 principle of right division, which can best be described as cutting arightrepparttar 126535 Word of God. “When we use right division to understandrepparttar 126536 purpose of God for mankind, we see two distinct lines of redemptive operation; redemption untorepparttar 126537 heavens orrepparttar 126538 earth. Already, we can seerepparttar 126539 opposition to traditional thinking.”

Mr. Welch explained that to understandrepparttar 126540 Scriptures correctly we need to use methods of answering these questions: Who is writing? To whom is it written? Why are they writing? When was it written? What arerepparttar 126541 circumstances and context? To simply go ad hoc and assume that everything inrepparttar 126542 Bible pertains to and is written to you goes against everything that God wrote in 2 Timothy 2:15 to "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividingrepparttar 126543 Word of truth." The rightly dividing isrepparttar 126544 “Cutting Aright” that Welch refers to in his book.

The first key torepparttar 126545 approach of trying to answer these questions when studying a passage of scripture tells us one must honestly facerepparttar 126546 Word and cut outrepparttar 126547 preconceived opinions and ideas one might have atrepparttar 126548 approach. Much like a scientist doing an experiment,repparttar 126549 researcher must letrepparttar 126550 Word speak for itself and not letrepparttar 126551 influence of past teachers or present preachers cloudrepparttar 126552 way forrepparttar 126553 “Cutting Aright”.

By What Standard?

Written by Terry Dashner

Faith Fellowship Church PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013, 918-451-0270

May I ask you a question?

Is character important to you? Think about your character for a moment. Most people when asked to considerrepparttar importance of character agree that everyone should have a good character. And why shouldn’t everyone to have character. Everything benefits from it. However if you aren’t onrepparttar 126529 list, there isn’t much point in preaching character to others. Unless you consider character important in your life, then you can’t demand it of others.

For example, suppose you like to “fudge” your integrity. Every now and then, you take home a few items from work. You justify your actions by saying that your employer makes good profits and won’t missrepparttar 126530 small items you take from his shop. In your mind you are not stealing from your employer, just helping yourself to small items of insignificance.

Then one day your son takes $10 from your wallet without your permission. When you discover what he has done, you call him to account for his actions. He tells you it’s no big deal. He tells you that he has seenrepparttar 126531 items you bring home fromrepparttar 126532 shop and listens to you justify your actions. Then he says, “Dad if you can take things from your job, then why can’t I take money from you without asking?”

This reality hit me hard one day. I’ve always expected others to be honest and upright towards me, but my integrity towards others was relative at best. No, I didn’t cheat or steal from my fellowman, but I did justify “fudging” once and a while. I could justify leaving out some taxable income because I resentedrepparttar 126533 IRS. I thought nothing about taking a few items from my employer from time to time. After all he could affordrepparttar 126534 losses. I could always justify what I did, but I was never willing to admit that I was stealing. Then one day, like I said, it hit me. What if I owned a business and I had several employees taking home company property at will. I would feel violated. And rightly so because I would berepparttar 126535 one takingrepparttar 126536 loss. I began to see my actions as contrary to Biblical ethics, and finally I admitted to myself that I was wrong. That’s when I changed my behavior.

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