Read This Before Buying Foreign Prescription Drugs

Written by Melissa Horn

Save Up to 93% by Asking for a Generic - Use generics whenever they are available. Both brand name and generic drugs containrepparttar same active ingredients, arerepparttar 138221 same in strength and dosage and meetrepparttar 138222 same government quality control standards.

Savings on brand name vs. generic drugs will vary from drug to drug and pharmacy to pharmacy but can be significant. Some remarkable examples:

Prozac brand 20mg, 100 tablets cost $280.19 Generic sells for $29.99 (Savings 89%)

Vasotec brand 5mg, 100 tablets costs $103.59 Generic sells for $18.19 (Savings 82%)

Ask Your Doctor is an Older Medication is as Effective - Often, physicians prescribe a newer drug that has been promoted as more effective. However, what this really means is that it is considerably more expensive. For example, newer antibiotics are often no more effective thanrepparttar 138223 older antibiotics. A great generic broad-spectrum antibiotic can cost 80% less than a new antibiotic.

Ask your doctor if you can take an over-the-counter (OTC, non-prescription) medicine - Sometimes an OTC medication can be as effective asrepparttar 138224 prescription, and if it is, chances arerepparttar 138225 OTC medicine will be considerably cheaper. For example, a one-month supply of Pepcid 20mg costs approximately $60. Pepcid AC, over-the-counter in 10mg strength (you would simply take two) costs approximately $23.

Cut Your Costs in Half by Using a Pill Splitter - Most pharmacies stock pill splitters. Sometimes, medications can be broken in half and save you 50%. Why? Several pharmaceutical manufacturers price some of their medicationsrepparttar 138226 same for all strengths. For example, Lipitor is almostrepparttar 138227 same price for all strengths. It’s possible to save as much as $100 on a one month supply of Lipitor just by gettingrepparttar 138228 larger strength and cutting in half. Ask your pharmacist.

If your medication can be split, make sure you dorepparttar 138229 math. Ifrepparttar 138230 higher dose is less than doublerepparttar 138231 cost for your regular dose then you will be saving money by having your doctor prescriberepparttar 138232 higher dose and then splitting it.

Disclaimer: Using a pill splitter is not appropriate for all medications and could be dangerous if done withrepparttar 138233 wrong medication. Always ask your doctor or pharmacist if there would be any problems with splittingrepparttar 138234 tablets or capsules.

Ask your doctor for a "trial prescription" when starting a new medication - Ifrepparttar 138235 doctor does not have samples, ask your pharmacist to give you only a one-week supply to try. It is a federal law that medicines cannot be returned once they are dispensed. If you get a month's supply and can’t toleraterepparttar 138236 medicine or, you don't want to continuerepparttar 138237 medicine, you'll have saved money by not buying a full prescription atrepparttar 138238 start.

Ask for free samples of your prescription medicine - If it's your first prescription for a particular medicine, this is also a good way to "try"repparttar 138239 medicine to see how well it works for you and how well you tolerate any side effects. However, even though it is nice to have a free drug for a week or two, make sure it’s not a high-priced alternative that will end up costing you more when it comes time to pay for a full prescription.

Consider using mail-order pharmacy services - You can usually order up to a 3–month supply of your prescription medicine for about 30% less thanrepparttar 138240 individual prescription refills. Mail-order pharmacies are also more private and often more convenient. You should be aware, however, that a mail-order pharmacy can't fill prescriptions as fast as your pharmacy. So mail order is usually best for maintenance-type drugs. If you use an Internet pharmacy service, be sure it carriesrepparttar 138241 Verified Internet Pharmacy Practices Sites (VIPPS) seal, which identifies sites licensed to sell prescription medicines online.

Asbestos Related Diseases

Written by T.Going

Asbestos is used in over 3000 modern products and most people have suffered at least some degree of exposure to it at one point or another. Most asbestos exposure is limited to minute portions of well maintained building materials such as concrete, insulation and siding. Regular maintenance of these materials is important for preventing asbestos from degenerating into airborne fibers. Unfortunately, because asbestos is so widespread, it is impossible to computerepparttar damage that even a small quantity can cause.

The lightweight nature ofrepparttar 138192 asbestos particle facilitates airborne spreading of these deadly carcinogens. This is why most asbestos-related diseases affectrepparttar 138193 respiratory system. These are incurable diseases. Even tiny amounts of asbestos can inflict irreversible damage as symptoms usually only emerge 20 to 30 years downrepparttar 138194 road.

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