Reaching Your Dreams Part 1 - Goal Setting

Written by Kara Kelso

What is a goal? The dictionary defines it as "the place at which a race or a journey is to end". So why set a goal? Well if you don't know where you are going, how can you plan a way to get there?

The first and most important step is discovering what you wantrepparttar end result to be. Where do you see yourself in a year, five years, or even ten years? Set specific goals, not general ones. If you want to make more money, specify in your goals how much.

Top 10 Tips for a Great Relationship

Written by Michael Myerscough

Top Tips for a Great Relationship

Commit to tellingrepparttar total truth A relationship involves three essential components. You, your partner andrepparttar 101771 truth. Every time you hold something back from your partner, a piece of your passion dies.

Astound your partner with your generosity Relationships work best when you ask yourself what you can give to your partner, rather than working out what you can get.

Take responsibility for feeling deeply loved. Accept that it’s your job to educate your partner about what makes you feel most loved. Love your partner how they want to be loved, not how you want to be loved.

Make loving each other a priority At some point inrepparttar 101772 day, ideally last thing at night, takerepparttar 101773 time to tell your partner exactly what you loved most about having them in your life.

Walk away when you get nasty Most of us get a little nasty when we feel backed into a corner. Come up with a plan that allows either one of you to walk away from a row when you catch yourselves saying things you’ll regret.

Find out your partners dearest goals and dreams If you support your partner in achieving their deepest desires, you build a relationship that leaves a legacy.

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