Re-Inventing Yourself

Written by Selena Richardson

Throughout life there comes a time when there is a need to change some aspect of ourselves. Whether it's our physical appearance or what we believe in - sometimes those parts of our lives that no longer serve us need to go. We have to re-invent ourselves and start from scratch.

Sometimes we have to peel awayrepparttar old layers to seerepparttar 131051 new transformed versions of ourselves. And there are times, too many actually, where we don't want to change even though we know that we must.

It's hard to part with our old ways - habits and belief systems that we know we've outgrown but have become so familiar with. We hang on torepparttar 131052 past because we feel that if we let it go a part of us has to go too. But that doesn't have to berepparttar 131053 case. You can change yourself, re-invent who you are and still keeprepparttar 131054 memories,repparttar 131055 knowledge of your former self.

We resist change as if by instinct. We're so stuck in our old ways and then something changes and we end up fighting it. The fighting,repparttar 131056 resistance makes it harder for us to processrepparttar 131057 changes that are inevitable. This is when we need to just go withrepparttar 131058 flow and let it happen.

Sometimes what we fightrepparttar 131059 most isrepparttar 131060 best for us. Whether it's trying to lose weight or studying for a better position at your job, there comes a time where you know you have to make a change in your life. Yet even when we are aware ofrepparttar 131061 need to change we still resist it.

In order to makerepparttar 131062 changes we need to make in our lives we have to stoprepparttar 131063 cycle of resisting change. We start makingrepparttar 131064 positive changes in our lives then resistance creeps up and we stop, only to start again later downrepparttar 131065 road.

How to Improve Your Love Life with the Power of Feng Shui

Written by Stephanie Roberts

FENG shui (say "fung shway") isrepparttar art of creating a home environment that supportsrepparttar 131048 life you wish to live. A key element of feng shui is creating a smooth flow of chi (positive energy) through your space. Chi likes to move through your home as though it were a gentle breeze or a meandering stream. Where it is blocked,repparttar 131049 energy becomes stagnant--like a pond choked with algae and fallen leaves. You are likely to feel blocked in life, and your energy and enthusiasm for matters ofrepparttar 131050 heart will be low. Balancing and correctingrepparttar 131051 chi of your bedroom helps encourage and invigorate romance. Here are some quick and easy ways to improve your love life by improvingrepparttar 131052 energy of your home:

1. Clean up your bedroom When your bedroom is cluttered and untidy,repparttar 131053 energy in there will be low and slow. Clutter is a sure sign that chi is stuck, so roll up your sleeves and cleanrepparttar 131054 place up if you want to jump-start your love life. Ring a bell, shake a rattle, or clap your hands loudly aroundrepparttar 131055 room to clear out old, stale energy.

2. Make room for love If you want to attract a new romantic partner--or move a casual relationship closer to commitment--make sure there is space for that person in your home. Look at your closets, shelves, and dressers, especially inrepparttar 131056 bedroom; if they are all filled to capacity with your own stuff, make clearing some room for your current or future partner a priority. Aim to free up 25% ofrepparttar 131057 space in your bedroom for someone else's things. When you are done, take a moment to visualize your loved one's belongings finding a home there.

3. Don't work out inrepparttar 131058 bedroom When you exercise inrepparttar 131059 bedroom, or store your sports equipment there, you bringrepparttar 131060 energy of hard work and exertion into your romance space. Do you want your relationship to feel like a tough workout? If not, move your workout stuff somewhere else; your relationship is likely to move along more smoothly.

4. Remove old relationship energy Go through your home--especially your bedroom--and remove anything that reminds you of past failed relationships; this could be an ex-boyfriend's old sweater you find inrepparttar 131061 closet, photographs of you with a previous partner, a gift that reminds you (unfavorably) of a giver with whom you are no longer in love--anything that reminds you of a love that went bad. No matter how incurable a romantic you may be, do NOT keep old love letters anywhere in your bedroom unless they are from someone with whom you are still blissfully paired up.

5. Remove inappropriate imagery The images with which you surround yourself can have a powerful effect on your love life. Feng shui clients who complain of difficulty finding romance often have surrounded themselves with images of a person alone. Inappropriate imagery includes anything that represents solitude, loneliness, aggression, hard work, conflict, or disagreement in any way. That old photo of your Dad when he was inrepparttar 131062 army may be a treasure, butrepparttar 131063 wartime energy it carries doesn't have any place inrepparttar 131064 bedroom; find another place to keep it.

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