
Written by Amber Whitman

Rasputin was born in 1869, in Tyumen, a district of Siberia. He arrived in Saint Petersburg in 1911 and was a young guard. Even today, he is known as a shadowy and mysterious character. He apparently had weird personality traits. Doctor's and skeptics came torepparttar conclusion he must have been possessed. He had power's overrepparttar 109272 Tsarevich andrepparttar 109273 royal family, that could not be explained.

The young tsar had deadly episodes of bleeding known as hemophilia. Rasputin was able to stoprepparttar 109274 bleeding. The family though he was sent be god. Rasputin was close torepparttar 109275 Tsaritsa's closest friend, Anya Vyrubova. She had a train accident and was almost killed. Her body was crushed and mangled. Rasputin went to her and held her hand and then started to chant, "Annushka, Annushka, rise! She awoke from her coma and tried to rise. Rasputin spoke telling all she would live. He also told everyone she would be a cripple forrepparttar 109276 rest of her life and she was.

In time he tried to befriend other members ofrepparttar 109277 family without success. They did not trust him. He had no further luck withrepparttar 109278 church. He had a number of church hierarchy exiled after they turned on him. Rasputin

"Pay-to-play" Educational Software Games?

Written by Robert Cummings

Science Academy Software has developed a new business model or paradigm for Education. It is a web-based "pay to play" educational game site named ScienceAcademy.TV for high-bandwidth clients. This article discussesrepparttar issues and rationale behind Science Academy Software's educational game portal ScienceAcademy.TV -- home to a new online educational game called "BasketMath V3.

Why "Pay-to-Play" educational games online?

Users get to have a learning experience inrepparttar 109271 form of a game. It's appropriate for audiences for instruction, testing, drill and practice. Web channel distribution allows learning to occur any time any place. The entertainment value ofrepparttar 109272 software contributes to pleasing user experience. It's low cost alternative to traditional classroom instruction and educational software distribution. Everyone benefits from subscribing (learning).

Traditional Educational Software Delivery Issues

A school teacher buying educational software, inrepparttar 109273 traditional sense, buys copies, lab packs or site licenses. They face a barrage of complex issues related to acquisition and use. Issues like:

1. Isrepparttar 109274 software appropriate? This requires evaluation inrepparttar 109275 form of asking: What isrepparttar 109276 instructional component? Doesrepparttar 109277 software provide testing and assessment capabilities, is there a measurement of achievement? Are results immediate (we all know kids can't wait)? From a teacher's perspective, this means having students practice those areas of weakness to achieve mastery.

2. Can I use it in my class? Issues: will it serve my students? Is it safe? Are there school adoption procedures or bureaucratic red-tape torepparttar 109278 software acquisition? What political issues will I have to deal with, if any?

3. Utilization - how much of this software really gets used by students? Willrepparttar 109279 software get reused after "newness" wears off? Students generally "burnout" or frequently userepparttar 109280 game inrepparttar 109281 first 24 hours; interest thereafter declines.

4. Need for portability, Can I use it on all my PCs? Web enabled machines make learning possible anytime - at school, in after-school programs, or at home (learning occurs anytime any where).

5 Can instructional material be shared with diverse age groups or learning disabilities (people learn differently)?

6. Can instructional material provide support individualized attention (people learn at different rates)? It is great when you have a teacher, parent or tutor, but what if you don't? Educational software isrepparttar 109282 next best alternative.

7. Value is based on educational and entertainment elements torepparttar 109283 software. Entertainment value is very important torepparttar 109284 delivery of educational software: Ideally,repparttar 109285 content should engagerepparttar 109286 user -- a characteristic of most video games. Most children today have a video game orientation.

8. The role of obsolescence: Books and printed materials wear, tear, and go out of date. Software on disk or CDROM also go out of date or may not run on newer machines. Upgrades also contribute torepparttar 109287 logistical nightmare to school computers management and support. Not so with a Web application or services that can provide updates in a timely manner or "on-the-fly".

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