Random Writings on Nephews

Written by Timothy Ward

I don't get to see my nephews much anymore every since I moved from Atlanta to Lake City. I get to see them maybe twice a year and even then my younger nephew Nick is usually sleep so it doesn't really count. Seeing a family member sleep is like looking at a picture of them. A snoring, drooling, incoherently mumbling picture.

I have two nephews and I love them to death. They arerepparttar only people in my family that are younger than me. All my other family members were already alive when I was born. I has been a thrilling experience to watch my nephews grow throughrepparttar 110681 different stages of life. Of course, some stages are more thrilling than others.

The early baby stages were not very thrilling. All my nephews did as babies was sleep and cry. At least thatsrepparttar 110682 way it seemed to me. I'm sure they also ate and pooped, but whenever possible I was far away during these periods. I learned very quickly that when it comes to sheer grossness (if that's a real word) watching a 1-year old eat is rivaled only mammal childbirth and maybe that episode of Fear Factor where they ate blended sewer rat. I've seen pictures on Rotten.com that turned my stomach less. And we won't even start onrepparttar 110683 pooping.

Once my nephews started talking I was able to get along with them better. My younger nephew, Nick, who is three, can now speak fairly well. Last time I saw him he could say a few words. Now he has a whole vocabulary. It's quite astoinishing to hear him say something like "Uncle Tim I want to playrepparttar 110684 train game" in perfect english. Last year he would have just grunted and pointed somewhere inrepparttar 110685 general direction ofrepparttar 110686 computer. He also sings. My Dad tried to get him to sing 'I've been working on repparttar 110687 Railroad'. He preferred Fat Joe's'Lean Back'.

Gift ideas for Chefs

Written by Matthew Seigneur

Chef gift ideas for every man

Do you know a man that loves to hang out inrepparttar kitchen and make wonderful dishes? Then you should look at chef gift ideas for every man. Whether he loves to grill or make those exquisite gourmet meals you will be able to find many gifts that will please him.

An apron embroidered with his name is always a gift that he will use and enjoy. You can find many styles that will perfect for him no matter what type of chef he is. Find a classic one forrepparttar 110680 gourmet chef and a fun one forrepparttar 110681 man that loves to grill. Many have cute sayings onrepparttar 110682 front or just find one that will have his name. Some chef aprons even come with pockets for holding their cooking utensils close at hand.

The Fresh Shakes Maker is a wonderful chef gift idea. With this cool gift he will be whipping up all kinds of thick milkshakes in just 20 seconds. This will be great for those summer parties. He will be able to make all kinds of new and unique shakes using all types of fresh or frozen fruits. He may even surprise you with flavors you have never tried before.

A personalized cutting board with his name engraved will be an added benefit for when he is making his special omelets. He will have a cutting board that is perfect for chopping, cutting and dicing. The personalized part is just a great way of saying how much you appreciate and enjoy his cooking.

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