"Raising Cain" or Overcoming?

Written by Janet L. Hall

"Raising Cain" or Overcoming? By: Janet L. Hall

Are you "raising Cain" with yourself or others regarding your clutter or are you takingrepparttar necessary steps and actions to overcome your clutter situation?

You can choose to do one of two things when your clutter conditions become overwhelming - you can fightrepparttar 123712 clutter or you can overcome your clutter problems.

To overcome your clutter successfully you must leave behind and release your old ways of thinking and how you do things now. You must release your fears about your stuff, your doubts of what to get rid of, your attitudes towards your clutter and stuff, your resentments, prejudices, negativity, and those old tapes in your head.

If what you did yesterday didn't help towards getting organized or if you didn't like how your day went then you must NOT dorepparttar 123713 same things you did yesterday in order for a change to start taking place in your life.

To change your life or circumstances, to rise above your problems or situations you might have to disassociate yourself from friends or family members that bring you down or that are inrepparttar 123714 same boat as you. You need to STOP commiserating with others like you, whether in person, phone, or cyberspace that continue to complain or whine about their situations BUT take no action towards changing if you REALLY want to change.

You can lift yourself up and choose to associate with people and others of a lifestyle that you secretly dream of by identifying your dream robbers, planning, and seeking out others that can help you.

Identifying Your Dream Robbers:

You become like those around you. You take on their personalities, their attitudes, and their problems. Like magnets you are attracted to and attract mirror images of yourself - everyday, all day! Your thoughts and your environment become like those around you. This happens to EVERYONE ... if they let it....

==>Make a list of your family, friends, co-workers, associates, acquaintances, and how they act around you. Are they sad or happy, healthy or depressed, violent or kind, controlling or abusive?

==>How do they effect you, your thoughts, and your habits?

==>What are they talking about? Bills, debt, clutter, time, soap operas - real life and television.

==>What are their attitudes? Negative or positive?

==>What might you say or do when they start "acting" in a negative or inappropriate fashion? Please be kind, walk away or completely disassociate.

==>What's in their world? Clutter, chaos, drama, or organized, calm, and peace?


=>Find a quiet place and time when you won't be interrupted

=>Get a notebook or journal and write down how you'd like to see your life or environment, and answerrepparttar 123715 following questions:

=>What would be an ideal day for you?

=>How would you like your day to unfold?

=>What would you like to do throughout your day?

Either Tame The Bull, Or, You'll Eat The Crow!

Written by Richard Vegas

A man can stand a lot… as long as he can stand himself. Success is never Final and Failure is never fatal. Only failure to get back up is. The bull is lying to you and leading you downrepparttar trail ofrepparttar 123711 pied-piper.

If you want to achieve anything worthwhile in life it is imperative that you approach your bull with an optimistic frame of mind. A positive attitude isrepparttar 123712 generator that brings all sorts of good things to you.

The bulls in your life will bringrepparttar 123713 rewards of; grief, disaster, tragedy, disease, death andrepparttar 123714 like in any person's life withrepparttar 123715 "devil is after me mind-set".

Did I hear someone say, yea, butrepparttar 123716 world has given me a raw deal? Did you realize that most people whom have taken a motivational course thought of themselves as a failure when they enteredrepparttar 123717 course?

In a careful study ofrepparttar 123718 reasons people take these courses, a significant pattern has resulted. The reasons they give are a tragic story ofrepparttar 123719 causes of failure.

They say things like, I've never really had a chance to get ahead, my father was an alcoholic, my mother was a prostitute, I was raised onrepparttar 123720 wrong side ofrepparttar 123721 tracks, I fell inrepparttar 123722 sewer when I was twelve years old and never could getrepparttar 123723 smell off. Yuk. Yeah, they say things that crazy.

I Got Shafted!

They are all saying in essence, I gotrepparttar 123724 shaft. They will blamerepparttar 123725 world, their parents, their dog, they will believe they inherited their failure, and with this type of attitude they are severely handicapped.

When you are right, so will be your world.

Learn a lesson from a kid. I love kid lessons. They are so meaningful. A father was very busy one Saturday morning getting ready for a business meeting Monday morning. His seven year old son Tommy was very hyper and making his father unusually nervous. His father opened a magazine and found a huge picture ofrepparttar 123726 world.

He rippedrepparttar 123727 picture out and tore in many pieces. He then gaverepparttar 123728 pieces to Tommy and said, if you can put this world back together, I'll give you a dollar figuring this would take him all day.

Tommy tookrepparttar 123729 pieces of paper and in ten minutes had putrepparttar 123730 world back together. His father said Tommy how did you do it so fast? Tommy said it was easy. I found a picture of a man onrepparttar 123731 other side so, I figured if I gotrepparttar 123732 man rightrepparttar 123733 world would be also.

The father learned a great lesson in this. If you are unhappy with your world and want to change it,repparttar 123734 place to begin is with yourself. If you are right, your world will be right. When you are right,repparttar 123735 problems of your world are never uncontrollable.

You Were Born A Champion!

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