Rainy Day Fun For Kids!

Written by Cyndi Roberts

Need something fun forrepparttar kids to do on a rainy day?

Make your own play dough and finger paints for hours of creative fun!

Play Dough

Mix 2 cups flour 2 cups salt 4 teaspoons cream of tartar in a saucepan.

Gradually add: 2 cups water 2 tablespoons vegetable oil small amount of paste food coloring of your choice

Cook and stir over low heat for 3 minutes or so, until mixture sticks together.

Turn onto board and knead until smooth and of play dough consistency.

This will keep for several months and can be used over and over if you store it in an airtight container inrepparttar 111168 fridge.

Remember finger painting when you were young? It's so messy, but it can be a real treat for your children on a rainy day.

Book/Music Review: Murphy's Safety Songs

Written by Alyice Edrich

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Murphy’s Bone

P.O. Box 56835

Sherman Oaks, CA 91413




Murphy's Safety Songs ISBN: 0-9748226-0-4 By Tim Young

Murphy's Safety Songs book and music CD is not only educational, but it's cute, fun, and uplifting. I couldn't help but giggle, wiggle, and dance torepparttar 111168 fun beat. The songs are simple and catchy which means any toddler can memorize them and since toddlers learn by memorization, this isrepparttar 111169 perfect tool to teach little ones how to care for their pets.

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