Rainbows Always Come After The Ra

Written by Josh Hinds

Rainbows Always Come After The Rain By Josh Hinds (c)

As you move through your day today do not lose sight ofrepparttar fact that you have greatness in you. That's right, you have unique talents and gifts that all come together to make you who you are.

Whether or not up to this point in your life anyone has ever takenrepparttar 123245 time to make you realize that, I want you to know without a shadow of a doubt that it is true.

Believe me I know things can happen in ones life that can leave us feeling as thoughrepparttar 123246 good things in life are reserved only for those around us. I assure you that nothing could be further fromrepparttar 123247 truth. Does that mean that every day is going to be all sunshine and daisies? No, unfortunately not.

The Future: Help is Available

Written by Miami Phillips

How important do you believe it is to think about and visualize your future life?

How important would it be to you if your cab driver wandered all over town, never getting anywhere but using up all your money and time?

If you have no intention, or goal, one thing is absolutely sure. You will never get there.

Sure you will get somewhere, but where? In our busy lives it can be so difficult to findrepparttar time to do this planning. We spend so much time planning our vacation, but so little time planning our lives! Can you set aside some time to make this happen?

As you go through this process, try to see your self in five, ten and even twenty years. Twenty years sure seems lie a long time.

Look back twenty years. How long was it? Yes, me too.

I have not planned very well forrepparttar 123244 future. I am changing that now. Part ofrepparttar 123245 reason is our children. Part ofrepparttar 123246 reason is I see our parents in their 70s and 80s living on their social security. I do not want to be waiting every month for my check to come inrepparttar 123247 mail.

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