Racking up WINS in the NEW YEAR

Written by © 2002 June McHardy

Have you ever made a list of a lot of things that needed doing and actually COMPLETED that list? If you're anything like I am, it didn't happen very often - but when it did, do you rememberrepparttar incredible feeling of satisfaction you got out of actually doing it? Didn't you feel wonderful? Like a WINNER?

I recently received an message fromrepparttar 123691 Elpruhzlein Foundation of Forever Being, offering to share with my readers a FREE course from their website. The course is called 'Miracle Mind Dynamics'.

Naturally, I was immediately intrigued and requestedrepparttar 123692 course myself. This course is very unlike much ofrepparttar 123693 motivational material which I've previously read in that it is very simplistic. Rather than expounding on why we do what we do andrepparttar 123694 meanings behind our actions, we're put through a series of very simple exercises which surprisingly are very powerful. The first exercise shows us how to rack up WINS for ourselves each and every day.

In Memory Of Dr. Harry A. Becker

Written by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

This is one ofrepparttar stories my Dad loved to tell, even when he was gravely ill and inrepparttar 123690 hospital.

When my father went to camp at age 12, he was voted: ·The laziest ·The least deserving. ·The least likely to succeed.

Perhaps this was because he was tall and placed with boys several years older than he. Ironically, he was probablyrepparttar 123691 least lazy,repparttar 123692 most deserving, and one ofrepparttar 123693 most successful people I have ever known. My Dad was a loving husband, a loving father, and certainly a loving son. Beyond these roles and all of his connections with others, I believe he was an encourager ofrepparttar 123694 human spirit. He was a realist who truly saw untapped potential in everyone who crossed his path--even me!

I remember him saying that persistence and perspiration would help me meet my goals. He loved to explain that most accomplishments are "Ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration." For example, when I was a teenager he would help me wake up at 5:00 AM if I had homework to finish. "Take a shower, have something to eat and then get back to task." He was always there to ease my burden but not take it away. My responsibilities were my own to meet, not his. How could he be helpful but not do my job--Proofreading? Driving me to school late? Brainstorming a topic? He never however, did work for me--it was mine to do. Like all good teachers he never promised that he could remove my pain. He taught that I could live withrepparttar 123695 pain and get beyond it.

He was always my teacher. He taught me how to polish my shoes and to count my packages as I shopped so I would know how many things I had with me. Above all he taught me determination. Never give up. You can do it!

A perfect example was my first year at teaching. I had a difficult child in my large class of second graders. My discipline was going downrepparttar 123696 drain. I felt overwhelmed. Dad suggested that I go to my principal and ask to haverepparttar 123697 child moved to another classroom, where there was a more experienced teacher. "Dad," I asked, "How can I do that?" "You can and you should," He replied, "Why should you carry a load that will set you up for failure your first year?" Reluctantly, I went torepparttar 123698 principal. He was a bit miffed but he did transferrepparttar 123699 child and I had a great teaching experience.

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