Race And Marketing: Does Skin Color Still Matter In America?

Written by Marketing Basics

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This article was written as a result of a heated discussion we had on a particular Internet marketing forum recently, regarding another article we wrote titled, "Why People Buy: The Psychology Of Sales And Marketing."

The subject of race came up duringrepparttar 119921 discussion, and we didn't feel that an Internet marketing forum wasrepparttar 119922 proper forum to discuss racial issues. So, we decided to write this article to voice our opinions and viewpoints aboutrepparttar 119923 subject of race and marketing.

There's a strange phenomenon occuring inrepparttar 119924 National Basketball Association. The league is getting whiter and more foreign, and many African-American fans and players suspect there's a lot more going on than international meritocracy.

The perception--and perception is reality in matters of race- -is thatrepparttar 119925 NBA is trying to phase-out African American players because of corporate (white) fans and international marketing money. In other words,repparttar 119926 thinking is, more white guys who can play equals big bucks. So what, if they're from another country.

What's going on here? Is this blatant racism at work? We think it is, yes. However, those who debunkrepparttar 119927 race theory are quick to point outrepparttar 119928 fact thatrepparttar 119929 stockholders, ticket buyers, and corporate sponsors are predominately white. And it's simply not smart business to ignore your financial backers. Therefore, they argue, it goes a lot deeper than blatantly phasing-out African Americans. It's about money, andrepparttar 119930 people who control it.

What a bunch of bull! Let's get real here, shall we? We're talking about big business, people. This should be strictly about puttingrepparttar 119931 best possible product onrepparttar 119932 floor every night--period. The color of a player's skin shouldn't matter, but to some, it clearly does. The NBA is obviously "too black" for some in corporate America. A small percentage of corporate America wants to see more white players. It's that simple. And what corporate America wants, corporate America usually gets--even if it ends up turning into an unnecessarily expensive lesson in economics inrepparttar 119933 long run.

We just don't understand that kind of backward-ass thinking. Here's why: Overrepparttar 119934 last 20 years, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods phenomenal popularity has been unprecendented inrepparttar 119935 history of sports marketing.

Currently, Tiger Woods is practicallyrepparttar 119936 epitome of sports marketing as he transcendsrepparttar 119937 sport itself, which is exactly what makes him unique. Nike CEO Philip Knight explains that every time they discover a one of a kind athlete like this one, they have to "adopt" him. The reason behind this is that such an athlete is bound to result in something unique no matter what.

Tiger isrepparttar 119938 world's greatest athlete and he is getting compensated accordingly. Fans acrossrepparttar 119939 globe are glued to their television sets to see his next amazing exploit, even if they don't knowrepparttar 119940 difference between a 3-wood and a 9- iron. Tiger has elevatedrepparttar 119941 seemingly mundane game of golf to another level. He has single-handedly brought golf torepparttar 119942 masses.

Withrepparttar 119943 phenomenal success and popularity of Tiger Woods and other African American athletes, it's obvious, thatrepparttar 119944 average white person walkingrepparttar 119945 streets in America could care less about skin color. This is especially true of young, white adults inrepparttar 119946 18 to 24 age group--the ones who propelrepparttar 119947 majority of CD sales.

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Written by Lawrence Roth

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