R E S T Need Not Be a Four Letter Word for Runners with Plantar Fasciitis

Written by Daniel Marein-Efron

When a runner is diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, oftenrepparttar first thing they hear is that they need to rest and stop running. Though this advice may work for someone whose plantar fasciitis is being caused by obesity, it putsrepparttar 112948 runner in an awkward situation. Runners often ignorerepparttar 112949 medical advice and “run through it” which ends up lengtheningrepparttar 112950 time they suffer fromrepparttar 112951 condition. Furthermore, this problem is compounded byrepparttar 112952 fact that studies have shown thatrepparttar 112953 longer you wait to treat plantar fasciitisrepparttar 112954 harder it is to solverepparttar 112955 problem.

“Healthcare professionals must take into considerationrepparttar 112956 importance ofrepparttar 112957 daily run torepparttar 112958 mental and physical wellbeing ofrepparttar 112959 person.” says Daniel Marein-Efrón, founder of Heeling Solutions (heelingsolutions.com) a new company using videos to educate people about conservative treatments for plantar fasciitis. “I need my daily exercise high to keep me focused and full of energy, so stopping my running completely was not a possibility when I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis.”

“With 5-10% of all running injuries being caused by plantar fasciitis it is very important that runners getrepparttar 112960 appropriate information to help them get better and keep them sane atrepparttar 112961 same time,” says Mr. Marein-Efrón. “Our videos offer runners in-depth information onrepparttar 112962 treatments for plantar fasciitis, which enables them to customize a treatment regiment withrepparttar 112963 help of their doctor. The Heeling Solutions R.E.S.C.U.E. program also includes a special section for runners in addition to a second video that has a strengthening and stretching program that will help preventrepparttar 112964 recurrence of plantar fasciitis.”

Analysis of the “Curves” Fitness Program

Written by Kyle Battis CSCS, L/ATC, NSCA-CPT

Analysis ofrepparttar “Curves” Fitness Program

By Kyle Battis CSCS, L/ATC, NSCA-CPT Professional Fitness Coaching

Many people have asked me what my thoughts were onrepparttar 112947 Curves fitness program. After researchingrepparttar 112948 program, interviewing current and past members, and speaking with other fitness professionals aroundrepparttar 112949 country I have compiledrepparttar 112950 following analysis.


Curves is a franchised exercise program designed exclusively for women. The Curves program has spread acrossrepparttar 112951 nation like wildfire due to claims such as: “No experience necessary, only 30 minutes for a full-body workout, no class times, no appointments to keep, you can’t be late for your workout becauserepparttar 112952 circuit is always on!” In fact,repparttar 112953 Curves franchise is listed by Entrepreneur Magazine as one ofrepparttar 112954 top franchises to own. The question is why has it grown so popular?

The answer can be found inrepparttar 112955 target audience ofrepparttar 112956 Curves program. Curves caters to a very large group of women seeking positive physical change in a supportive environment. Most commercial gyms and fitness centers do not come close to offering a friendly and supportive environment for beginning exercisers be it female or male. You have to give credit where credit is due. The originator of this franchise recognized that there was a huge market for a gym such as Curves and surely has tapped into a goldmine.


Curves is definitely great from a marketing and business perspective but what aboutrepparttar 112957 actual exercise program that is followed? One ofrepparttar 112958 Curves members that I interviewed offeredrepparttar 112959 following synopsis:

“They have about 10 different units. Leg extensions/leg curls, squats, leg press, glut press, biceps curls/triceps extensions, lat pull downs/overhead press, chest press/seated row, a dip/shrug machine, and a seated abdominal machine. They repeat some ofrepparttar 112960 machines and you go aroundrepparttar 112961 circuit 1 and 1/2 times. In between each machine there is 3’ x 3’ platform that you perform some continuous exercise such as running in place or stationary jumping. The goal is to stay inrepparttar 112962 fat burning target heart rate zone for 30 minutes.”

Curves is a 30-minute exercise circuit comprised of hydraulic resistance machines and bodyweight exercises. The nature ofrepparttar 112963 hydraulic machines used inrepparttar 112964 Curves program forcesrepparttar 112965 user to perform concentric (muscle shortening) contractions ofrepparttar 112966 opposing muscle groups. No eccentric (muscle lengthening) muscle action occurs when using these machines so very little muscle soreness is developed. The problem withrepparttar 112967 lack ofrepparttar 112968 eccentric muscle actions is that it does not put a lot of stress onrepparttar 112969 muscle and a muscle not stressed is a muscle that will not change.

In fact, as Strength Coach Christian Thibeadeau points out in his book Theory and Application of Modern Strength and Power Methods,

“It was found that omitting eccentric stress in training program severely compromisedrepparttar 112970 potential strength gains (Dudley et al. 1991). “ Curves members are encouraged to check their heart rates every 8 minutes to ensure that they are in their target heart rate zones. In summary,repparttar 112971 Curves routine is a circuit-training program that focuses on muscular endurance and aerobic exercise.


It is important to point out that every exercise program has benefits and inherent weaknesses. I commendrepparttar 112972 originator ofrepparttar 112973 Curves program forrepparttar 112974 benefit that it introduces women who would not otherwise be exercising to a regular exercise routine. There are, however, many limitations torepparttar 112975 exercise routine utilized by Curves.

Some of those limitations are lack of an individualized exercise routine (cookie-cutter approach), absence of a comprehensive fitness assessment, reliance on limited-value hydraulic exercise equipment, lack of progressive overload (for both resistance training routine and cardiovascular conditioning), lack of exercise variety which can lead to overuse injuries, lack of program design that is based on current research to deliver optimal results, lack of instruction on how exercisers should progress after reaching a plateau withrepparttar 112976 program, and finally a lack of qualified supervision by an exercise specialist which poses many problems in itself. The lack of qualified supervision can lead to problems such as not knowing when to refer out torepparttar 112977 appropriate medical professional if problems arise, recognizing when an individual is over-training, or modifying an exercise routine to suitrepparttar 112978 individual’s current needs and training level.

Simply put,repparttar 112979 Curves fitness program utilizes outdated exercise programming that predisposesrepparttar 112980 exerciser to an abundance of overuse injuries (bursitis, tendonitis, medial and lateral epicondylitis, etc.) and does not deliver optimal results inrepparttar 112981 safest manner possible. I work full-time at a Physical Therapy clinic and we have seen countless cases of women developing overuse injuries fromrepparttar 112982 Curves program. It should be a big red flag but some people just are not makingrepparttar 112983 connection thatrepparttar 112984 nature ofrepparttar 112985 program is what causesrepparttar 112986 problems. I hate to say it and I hope that you are not offended, butrepparttar 112987 Curves program is fairly limited.

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