RSS Feeds Explosion Gain Massive Exposure For Your ServiceGet your web site listed in Google and Yahoo in day's if not hours, I did, never pay $299 to be listed in Yahoo - you can get your site listed if you have an RSS feed.
Googlebot and Yahoo's 'Slurp' bot have never left my server since putting up a RSS feed, and syndicating it through RSS directories where it was quickly found by an eager, info- hungry crowd of affluent types who are looking to spend their disposable income on something that captures their imagination.
With still only about 90,000 RSS feeds in
world, compared with about 6 billion web pages, if you put up an RSS feed of your own, your feed will get noticed very quickly - like
same day!
Traffic to your web site will double, triple, or more from your RSS feed, and you will find more buyers coming in rather than freebie seekers.
If spam filters are putting you off sending out emailed newsletters, then keep in touch via your RSS feed and update it once, twice or more per day to get your info out that you want your subscribers to see.
Got a new product to sell?
Then put it in your RSS feed and it will be noticed
minute you upload
file to your server. Millions of people can now see your RSS feed, not only in a 'feed reader' software, but in feed compatible browsers such as
latest 'Opera' and 'Netscape 6'.
RSS feed directories have sprung up for you to list your feed in, but there are up to 40 directories worth putting them in - I list them in my latest ebook - 'Really Simple RSS' -with direct links to all
directories to submit to right away.