RGP Contact Lenses - Would They Work for You?

Written by Tanya Turner

Modern RGP contact lenses have a lot of advantages over soft contact lenses. They are healthier for your eyes, they don’t dry out and they last for years. But people are afraid that RGP lenses aren’t comfortable. Lets look atrepparttar advantages and disadvantages of RGP lenses and how they can work for your eyes.

Whenever they hearrepparttar 143887 words “Rigid Gas Permeable”, most people think “hard contact lenses”, confusing RGP lenses with PMMS - hard lenses ofrepparttar 143888 previous generation. RGP are made from a different type of plastic, which makes them more flexible than hard lenses. And their most important feature is high oxygen permeability. See comparison of RGP contact lenses and soft contact lenses.

Advantages of RGP lenses

Asrepparttar 143889 name suggests, these lenses are gas permeable - they don’t block oxygen flow to your corneas. Oxygen is very important forrepparttar 143890 health of your eyes because its lack can cause serious eye problems, including inflammation ofrepparttar 143891 cornea.

RGP contacts don’t contain any water, so they don’t dry out. RGP is ideal for people who work inrepparttar 143892 dry conditions or outside, inrepparttar 143893 wind. RGP can also benefit computer users, since people blink less often, when working atrepparttar 143894 computer, and their eyes can become dry. If you wear soft lenses and your eyes feel dry byrepparttar 143895 end ofrepparttar 143896 day, consider RGP - they don’t suck moisture from your eyes and feel comfortable even atrepparttar 143897 end ofrepparttar 143898 day.

RGP vs. Soft Contact Lenses - Which Is Best for You?

Written by Tanya Turner

When asked “what would you prefer - soft contact lenses or rigid?”, most people would say “soft, of course”. The idea of having a hard object in your eyes scares people and eye doctors know about this, so they tend to prescribe soft lenses for their patients. But which type provides more benefits for your eye health and gives you better comfort and vision? The answer isn’t as obvious as you might think it is.

Vision clarity

Both high quality soft and RGP contact lenses provide good vision. However, studies have shown that properly fitted RGP lenses provide better vision. This is important for people who rely on their eyes in their jobs - truck drivers, pilots - and for certain sports, like shooting.

Also, many soft lens wearers report that their contacts feel funny inrepparttar dark and their vision decreases. RGP don’t have this problem.

Eye health comparison

Two important factors determine how healthy a contact lens is for your eyes - oxygen permeability and resistance to protein build-up.

RGP lenses let through 2-4 times more oxygen than soft contact lens. Thereforerepparttar 143886 risk of corneal inflammation is much lower. The only soft lenses that have oxygen permeability comparable to RGP lenses are silicon hydrogel contacts, like Focus Night and Day or Acuvue Advance

Soft lenses are more prone to protein build-up than RGP contacts. Of course, if you wear daily disposable soft lenses, this is not an issue. But if you use monthly or quarterly replacement lenses, byrepparttar 143887 end of its liferepparttar 143888 lens is covered with proteins no matter how carefully you clean it. RGP are made from totally different material - plainly said proteins and other secretions don’t stick to them.

Use as color contacts to change your eye color Here RGP lenses can’t compete with soft contacts. All color contact lenses are soft - an RGP lens is smaller thanrepparttar 143889 iris (the colored part of your eye), so it can’t change your eye color effectively. See more information about soft color contacts

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