RFID: A Smart Tag Primer

Written by Dennis Bacchetta

Good things come in small packages. This familiar cliché usually refers to precious stones, but today it's taken on new meaning, in that small things are now protecting items we deem valuable.

Analysts estimate thatrepparttar retail industry loses US $50B a year to theft and up to ten times that much to counterfeiting. High-end products such as cosmetics, fragrances and pharmaceuticals are most likely to be stolen or counterfeited. Many retailers and manufacturers believe that this big problem may have a tiny solution – RFID smart tags.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an automatic data capture technology that offers unparalleled accuracy in inventory control and supply chain management. Although RFID is a relative newcomer torepparttar 103116 media spotlight,repparttar 103117 technology has been quietly working its way into our culture and into our lives since it was drafted byrepparttar 103118 military 60 years ago.

The US Department of Defense first used RFID to track military aircraft during World War II. Since then, this compelling technology has been used extensively in highway toll collection, building security, library circulation, parcel delivery and airport luggage transportation.

What exactly is RFID and how does it affectrepparttar 103119 future of packaging?

RFID functions as a network of microchip “smart tags” and receivers. Each smart tag is embedded with a unique electronic product code (EPC) and a micro-antenna. Once assigned,repparttar 103120 EPC becomes a DNA-like marker forrepparttar 103121 item, identifying it from every other item inrepparttar 103122 world. When a tagged item passes within range of a reader,repparttar 103123 reader retrievesrepparttar 103124 EPC via radio waves, identifiesrepparttar 103125 item and its exact location, and relays this real-time information to a central computer. Taken together,repparttar 103126 series of transactions comprise a comprehensive record ofrepparttar 103127 tagged item’s movement from point of origin to point of sale.

The greatest promise of RFID lies in its application versatility. Smart tags can be affixed to either individual products or to pallets containing multiple units, and can be “read” through most materials. RFID readers can scan multiple items at one time, making them functionally superior to traditional, uni-task bar code scanners.

Scientists atrepparttar 103128 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Auto-ID Center began to explore commercial applications of RFID in 1999. Wal-Mart, The Gillette Company and Proctor & Gamble were amongrepparttar 103129 first to conduct pallet-level pilot tests. They quickly found that RFID offers improved supply chain visibility and more accurate inventory forecasting. Because RFID does not require line-of-sight operations (contrary to manual bar code scanning)repparttar 103130 end users achieved improved inventory control with reduced labor costs.

3 Ways To Do More With Less Time

Written by Yolanda A. Facio

We live in a world where more is expected of us every day.

First there were fax machines, now email and cell phones. Our number of communications daily from various sources is extreme.

How can we get to all of it in a timely fashion and still get 8 hours of sleep?

Here are three time reducing strategies that are easy to implement:

1.Schedule. Like it or not in today's world if you want to achieve greater levels of success you must learn to use a schedule. You can use a Palm Pilot, a journal or a Daytimer. I userepparttar Franklin-Covey Planning software for windows. It pops up when I turn on my computer and it is compatible with my Palm Pilot so that I can sync at night when I leave my office.

Now, having a schedule isn't half as important as using a schedule. It doesn't work if you don't use it… everyday.

I keep track of appointments, make a To Do list and then as I work on projects I enter them in so that I can make a journal of my day. Later, this will help me remember how much time I spent on tasks for billing purposes. I schedule in exercise time and I schedule in personal development time for reading and writing.

Once you get started, you'll find it easier and easier to use. The amount of time saved by spendingrepparttar 103115 time to keep your schedule can be enormous. It helps to eliminaterepparttar 103116 clutter we create on our desks and in our minds when trying to remember allrepparttar 103117 things we need to do.

It can also help to eliminate unnecessary tasks. Many times we say 'yes' when something is not really in alignment with our goals. The act of making time for it and getting onrepparttar 103118 schedule will cause you to evaluate its importance. This can be a tremendous time saver.

2.Systems. Systems are a key component in time management. I have a system for everything! Systems do not have to be complicated but they help to keep you on track and save time. For instance, I use a 'system' for my after-work time. When I leaverepparttar 103119 office my evening everyday is pre-planned. I drive home, I change, I make dinner, I watch one hour of TV, I work two hours, and I go to bed… A system.

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