RECIPE FOR ENCHANTMENT - THE THREE R's: Remembering the Best, Restoring Yourself, Rapture

Written by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

In today's world there are so many wonderful and inspirational books. There are books filled with stories of Divine intervention, miracles happening, special positive moments never to be forgotten and stories of incredible coincidences. They help make us feel in harmony withrepparttar universe. They help us fall asleep and have pleasant dreams. They often bring tears to our eyes, reinforcing an inner sense of wisdom that all is right withrepparttar 129913 world even when appearances say that is not so. But there is one thing often missing from these books. It isrepparttar 129914 mental and emotional perspiration that we need to go through as we struggle to live a life of meaning and joy. The inspiration is there but it'srepparttar 129915 perspiration that most of us need to put into our daily lives to create for ourselves lives of enchantment. Because, enchantment for most of us, i.e., living a life of joy, a life that reflects many states of well being, again and again, is hard work. Certainly we yearn for moments whenrepparttar 129916 right thing happens at exactlyrepparttar 129917 right time andrepparttar 129918 world opens up for us, whether it's a lucky break, meetingrepparttar 129919 right life partner or winningrepparttar 129920 lottery. And we all need at least some of those moments. But life, in reality, is filled with hundreds and thousands and probably millions of minutes that are repetitive, boring or simply ordinary. They involve getting up, brushing our teeth, driving to work safely, keeping a job, raising children, fighting off a cold, etc. It is all these times that THE ENCHANTED SELF focuses on. These arerepparttar 129921 moments that can be mundane, depressing, dull or can be captivating, enlivening and filled with joy. What isrepparttar 129922 difference? The difference is usuallyrepparttar 129923 perspiration. I meanrepparttar 129924 mental and emotional perspiration that is involved in what I callrepparttar 129925 three R's of enchantment. Let's look atrepparttar 129926 first ofrepparttar 129927 three R's. The first is REMEMBERING THE BEST AND LETTING GO OF THE REST. This is a critical component to general well being and a sense of happiness on a daily basis. Most of us have sustained loss and experienced pain. Yes, we've been hurt. We've been short-changed by opportunities or other people. Sometimes we've been stepped upon, left or forgotten. If we spend our daily life focusing on these disappointments then we cannot releaserepparttar 129928 positive energies we need to makerepparttar 129929 most ofrepparttar 129930 present moment and to plan forrepparttar 129931 future. Grudges, negative thinking, disappointments, and not forgiving all get inrepparttar 129932 way of what can be done withrepparttar 129933 present. We need our psyche energies to seize opportunities we can take advantage of. This can't happen, if our energies are used up ruminating. Besides, there is beauty in our own story and most, if not all disappointments we've experienced have strengthened us. Often, we have even developed talents in coping with hard times that can reemerge in ways to enhance pleasure and/or help us be of service torepparttar 129934 world. For example,repparttar 129935 child that was neglected or yelled at has an opportunity to be particularly kind to others as he or she gets older, maybe to teach others certain parenting skills having known first hand how it feels onrepparttar 129936 other side. How do we take allrepparttar 129937 moments of life that are often repetitive and ordinary, and turn them into captivating personal times? One way is through optimizing our own sense of well being. This internal state is particularly reactive to our emotional and physical states of health. For instance, I remember occasions when good things were about to happen, but I was so overtired or anxious that I could not appreciate a special day. I also remember occasions when nothing happened, but because I felt well rested and truly at peace with myself I enjoyed every moment. How do we work on restoring ourselves? How do we gather our positive energies to be in our own best interest? Certainly one ofrepparttar 129938 most critical factors is seeing yourself in a positive light. If I don't truly value myself, I am certainly not going to take good care of myself. I am more responsive torepparttar 129939 criticism from a negative spouse or parent than my own inner feelings of self worth. I may not take good care of myself andrepparttar 129940 results can be devastating. Overrepparttar 129941 years I have seen so many clients who were not thriving because they had internalized negative comments, criticism and opinions from others. The end result was that they began to believerepparttar 129942 negative perceptions of themselves and ultimately saw themselves in a poor light. It is very important to see yourself in a positive light. This means not putting yourself down and not criticizing yourself. It means becoming your own best friend. Often taking better care of yourself becomes essential. For all of us, it is important to get enough rest, eat well, learn how to sort throughrepparttar 129943 negative remarks that hurt, not get caught up and lost inrepparttar 129944 feelings those remarks engendered, and to value who we really are and what each of us has to offerrepparttar 129945 world.

Practical Steps of Enchantment

Written by Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein

Let us sit back and reviewrepparttar Seven Gateways to Enchantment and seminal ideas that led me there. It will give us an opportunity to ponder over what The Enchanted Self is all about. This might mean returning to some material already shared with you once before, but it is still 100% pertinent. For those who are new torepparttar 129911 Seven Gateways may please find them at The following article contains a short history of The Enchanted Self project alongwith some information on using our memories in healthy ways. This is critical to coming home to our Enchanted Selves. Let's remember that our Enchanted Self is that place somewhere between our minds, bodies, hearts and spirits, that always knows what feels good, what is healthy for us and what promotes joy and purpose! Going throughrepparttar 129912 article you will come across: 1) Short Description of The Enchanted Self 2) Katherine's Memory - Playing Elevator inrepparttar 129913 Closet 3) Positive Memories - We All Have Them! 4) Peanut Butter: We All Love It

1) Short Description of The Enchanted Self

After I interviewed women outside of my practice, I realized that we do not reinforce, nor encouragerepparttar 129914 capacities for joy and pleasure that we really have. Often,repparttar 129915 media further encourages a negative view of ourselves and our world. How could I begin to capture and teach others aboutrepparttar 129916 capacities for personal joy that these women outside of my practice had taught me? I decided to share this news in my first book, THE ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy Inrepparttar 129917 ENCHANTED SELF, A Positive Therapy, I teach: 1. How you can live a more joyful life; a life of pleasure and meaning -what I call THE ENCHANTED SELF. 2. How you can reclaim from your own past your potential, talents, dreams and abilities and reinvent yourself in positive ways inrepparttar 129918 present and intorepparttar 129919 future. 3. How, if you are a therapist, you can change your treatment room into a place where your clients find their enchantment. Learn how healthy it is for your own mental health to benefit from focusing on what is right with your clients rather that what is wrong. 4. How, if you are or have been in therapy you can continue your personal growth by participating in THE ENCHANTED SELF activities atrepparttar 129920 end of each chapter. When my book came out, I realized that I had a deep commitment to share withrepparttar 129921 public and other professionalsrepparttar 129922 information I was gathering about how to live a more joyful, fulfilling life. This led to many assignments that I took on, including: THE ENCHANTED SELF newsletter that went aroundrepparttar 129923 world for five years in paper and now with over 2000 readers goes aroundrepparttar 129924 world onrepparttar 129925 web! Lots of radio, e-radio and television appearances to teach how to live a more enchanted life; A second book, titled RECIPES FOR ENCHANTMENT, The Secret Ingredient is YOU! that further brings each one of you intorepparttar 129926 enchanted world of positive living, feeling and thinking. And MORE-Two new books onrepparttar 129927 horizon-I'll tell you more about them soon and lots of products for women to cater to our fun-loving, inspirational sides. Come and see all my products on my website at and at enchanted gateways. And now, let's look some more atrepparttar 129928 Basics: THE ENCHANTED SELF promotes a positive review of your life and encourages life style changes that lead to living a more joyful, authentic and meaningful life. Once you know how, it is just as easy to practice positive states of mind and body, as it is to repeat negative behaviors. I emphasize using your memories for positive, life enhancing purposes. I encourage reviewing your past to see that has given you pleasure and joy. I also help you rediscover talents and lost potential. Always I emphasize what is right with you rather than what is wrong. Let's give energy and support to: Rememberingrepparttar 129929 best, Practicing pleasure, Going for our potential! Don't forget: for those of you unfamiliar with THE ENCHANTED SELF, please visit my website for more background on THE ENCHANTED SELF

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