Written by Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT

This is a new addition torepparttar newsletter where I can take time to address in full detail questions which current clients confront while inrepparttar 135840 process of making real changes to their body, lifestyle and well being. TO DO OR NOT TO DO? … ABS TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO WRITING ARTICLE: Jeanne is a client I have worked with for a number of years, and through a couple of births with very quick recoveries. She is naturally tall and thin with wide hips and very flat abs. She has that perfect body for wearing couture as you can see from her Vogue magazine write up in October of 2003. She isrepparttar 135841 type that doesn’t want muscle showing at all, just long sleek ‘feminine’ lines. We have stepped up her workouts of late because she is getting stronger and we do need to keep uprepparttar 135842 challenge to maintain that high metabolic burn rate for caloric expenditure, without creating muscle definition. Jeanne doesn’t like doing cardio so that's not a solution. Recently when beginning our workout Jeanne stops, pulls up her t-shirt and shows me her abs. Iam very pleased with what I see, which isrepparttar 135843 definition of whererepparttar 135844 lower obliques end andrepparttar 135845 rectus abdominus (your quadrants, also known as ‘6 packs’) begin. There was strong deliniation indicatingrepparttar 135846 muscles beneath. Jeanne points to it and says " I don’t want this." In my shockrepparttar 135847 only thing I can think to say is "If there were a group of women in hear watching us, they’d all groan at you." Everyone is different and has different goals. So Jeanne now thinks that she should just not do abdominal exercises and asks "Why do I need to do them, my abs are finerepparttar 135848 way they are? Can you write about this in your next newsletter so I better understand why I need to do abs." I then launch into an explanation ofrepparttar 135849 importance of core work(abs). About how your abs stabilize you and help prevent injury by bracing and tightening. The brain sends a message torepparttar 135850 transverse abdominus (remember that girdle muscle we all spent time on, withrepparttar 135851 breathing exercises) before it tells any other muscle to move. For example,repparttar 135852 mind tellsrepparttar 135853 knee to lift but beforerepparttar 135854 quadricep muscles initiatesrepparttar 135855 lifting responserepparttar 135856 transverse abdominus recievesrepparttar 135857 message to react by tightening for balance, control and strength. So essentially you brace yourself from your abs and then you initiaterepparttar 135858 movement, braced and centered. Which is why I constantly repeat "pull your navel in and wrap it around your spine." The more this response is practiced,repparttar 135859 more proficient, balanced, coordinated, centered and strong you are plusrepparttar 135860 flatter your abs are.

The Scoop on Stress.

Written by Deborah Caruana RN, MES, CPT

Stress is defined as a response by your body to any demand made upon it and a 'demand' means a change. Did you know different stress levels have names? For example “Neutral” stress isrepparttar amount of work it takes to maintain normal body function. If we give stress a scale of 1- 10 where Neutral stress would be 1. Lets take a look at Success and what it implies. Believe it or not success is a stressor, called “Eustress”, which stems fromrepparttar 135839 word euphoria. We can give eustress a quantitative number like 5 because it is a high intensity feeling and brings many ramifications and changes. Now we'll take a brief peak at failure. Failure means challenge, or worst of all defeat. So failure can generate what is called “Distress”, which, we’ll give a number of 5 because it’s implications for change are compound and also intense. I’m relinquishingrepparttar 135840 good and bad judgements on stressors and trying to quantify them based onrepparttar 135841 change from homeostasis-the norm perspective. If our highest stress level is 10 this is when we experience all ofrepparttar 135842 classic “fight and flight” signs of our body preparing for action. Hormones, like adrenaline, surge. 6 Your heartbeat and blood pressure soar. Your palms sweat. 7 Your short of breath. Your hair stands on end. 8 You’ve got a flock of geese flapping in your belly. Your blood sugar rises and your muscles tense. 9 Your mind is focused on fighting or flighting. If you get to 10 you’ll probably mess your knickers because your system has gone berserk from over stimulation and your body will surrender. Thoughrepparttar 135843 odors may stop your adversary from taking that first bite. These effects, up to 9.9 unchanged for thousands of years, helped prehistoric humans survive! The problem here is thatrepparttar 135844 physical and emotional manifestations ofrepparttar 135845 stress response are designed to dissipate whenrepparttar 135846 immediate physical threat is over. But when they don't, over time, these over used hormones cause heart disease, hypertension, suppressed immunity, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and even depression. The greatest defense against these physical manifestations is to realize they are caused by your hard wired prehistoric emotions. For instance, if you're late for work and you've just missedrepparttar 135847 last subway. What do you do? You can either panic, or you can just acceptrepparttar 135848 situation. Relax, take a deep breath and wait forrepparttar 135849 next one. If you can change a situation, do it, if you can't, then you adapt. Understanding stress and its effects can help you use it to your own advantage, and turn potential "stressors" into positive challenges. Something I have always believed and now seems to be coming to light with scientific evidence isrepparttar 135850 fact that stress can actually be good for you! The Latest Study on Stress This is a study done recently with mice in a stressful situation. Whatrepparttar 135851 researchers did was they take a bunch of mice that were bullied repeatedly by a nasty mouse for a couple of hours for six consecutive days. Atrepparttar 135852 end of that periodrepparttar 135853 researchers infectedrepparttar 135854 picked on mice with a strain of influenza that also infects humans. Other mice, not subjected torepparttar 135855 bullying, were also infected sorepparttar 135856 scientists could measurerepparttar 135857 effects ofrepparttar 135858 stress. The bullied mice were actually better able to ward offrepparttar 135859 virus thanrepparttar 135860 ones that had not had to deal with an aggressive foe. Sorepparttar 135861 scientists changedrepparttar 135862 name ofrepparttar 135863 stress test to “repeated defeat.". By whatever name,repparttar 135864 stress apparently improvedrepparttar 135865 memory ofrepparttar 135866 special "T cells," that runrepparttar 135867 immune system. Low levels of stress produce hormones that help us meet various challenges, so a little of a bad thing can be good. Of course, there's still some question about whether humans will reactrepparttar 135868 same as mice, butrepparttar 135869 mouse immune response is comparable to that ofrepparttar 135870 humans and that's why they choserepparttar 135871 mice.

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