Quotes and Sayings - Colloquialisms Part 2

Written by Lisa Jay

"bless her heart" - said after making a negative comment about someone "She is not too smart, bless her heart" "he's like a one-legged man in an a__-kicking contest" - someone is working hard, but getting nothing accomplished "off like a herd of turtles" "love in a cottage is he__ in a hut" - love may be rosy some times and roughrepparttar others. "don't spit inrepparttar 118081 air, it may fall on your nose" - watch what you say, you may have to retract your statement "dont cut off your nose to spite your face" "all ashore that goin' ashore!" - we are here "daaaayyyyylight inrepparttar 118082 swamp!" - wake up "don't putrepparttar 118083 cart beforerepparttar 118084 horse" "six of one, half dozen of another" - it's allrepparttar 118085 same "greenhorn" - someone is just starting to work inrepparttar 118086 woods or as a fisherman "skunked" - If you go fishing or hunting and come back empty handed "God's rolling logs around up there" - thunder "marble orchard" - cemetery "it's comin' a gullywarsher" - raining hard "it's a real frog strangler" - raining hard "you see some sights when you haven't got a gun" - when you see someone really weirdly or badly dressed "you're fixin' to get a whippin' or I'm fixin' to ..... (go to town or whatever)" "pretty is as pretty does" "well don't feel likerepparttar 118087 Lone Ranger" - you are not alone "when you findrepparttar 118088 money tree be sure and tell me." "right now, a pig on a plate is worth two inrepparttar 118089 pen" "I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking" - when we try to pullrepparttar 118090 wool over someone's eyes "the cow is out ofrepparttar 118091 barn" "slower than molasses in January" "as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs" "colder than blue hell" "scarce as hen's teeth" "knee high to a grasshopper" "thigh high to a mule" "runnin' around like a chicken with its head cut off" "hotter thanrepparttar 118092 hinges of hell" "jumping fromrepparttar 118093 frying pan intorepparttar 118094 fire" - from one bad situation into something worse "likerepparttar 118095 kettle callingrepparttar 118096 pot black" "may be small but he's wound tight" "shakingrepparttar 118097 dew offrepparttar 118098 lily" "it takes a big boy to whip a little man" "smell bad enough to stink a dog off a gut wagon" "a wit ofrepparttar 118099 nit type" "don't let your mouth run off 'til your brain's in gear" "shinier than a new penny" "grinning like a Cheshire (Chessy) cat" "a knife so dull you could ride it to New York" "a chip offrepparttar 118100 old block" "leave a dead dog lie" "pitch black" -dark "as common as house dust" "right as rain" "more fun than a barrel of monkeys" "more than one way to skin a cat" "not worth a hill of beans" "like water off a duck's back" "shotgun wedding" "madder than a wet hen" "you can't get blood out of a turnip" "useful as a pogo stick in quicksand" "haven't been there for a coon's age" "charge it torepparttar 118101 dust and letrepparttar 118102 rain settle it." - used when someone wanted something but had no money to buy it "yun side." -repparttar 118103 other side of where you may be standing "nothing goes overrepparttar 118104 devils back that don't come out from underneath his belly" - if someone does wrong to someone.....they in turn will have something done wrong to them. "what goes around, comes around" "he/she is showing his true colors" "might as well be spittin' inrepparttar 118105 wind" - to no avail; not doing any good. "never buy a pig in a poke" "a hard nut to crack" "she (or he) has been aroundrepparttar 118106 teacup looking forrepparttar 118107 handle." - very experienced "buryrepparttar 118108 hatchet" "sweatin' bullets" "where there's a will there's a way." "no point of closingrepparttar 118109 barn door afterrepparttar 118110 horse is stolen." "raining like pouring pee out of a boot." "a knife so dull it won't cut hot butter" "raining like cats and dogs" "you're pulling my leg" "you're yanking my chain" "butt ugly" "grin and bear it" "slick as a whistle" "tougher than a baked owl" "tougher than a bag of hammers" "slick as a smelt" "that dog don't hunt" - bad idea or flawed logic "slick as a ribbon" "happy as a tick on a fat dog" "not worthrepparttar 118111 bait in a rat trap" "shakier than and old coon" "heavier than a dead preacher" "skinny as a raffle turkey" "like fleas on a dog" "as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party" "big hat, no cattle" - all talk and no action "he thinksrepparttar 118112 sun come up just to hear him crow" - he has a pretty high opinion of himself "she's got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth" - that woman can talk and talk. "it's so dryrepparttar 118113 trees are bribin'repparttar 118114 dogs" - We need some rain "just because a chicken has wings doesn't mean it can fly" - appearances can be deceptive. "they ate supper before they said grace" - Living in sin "you can put your boots inrepparttar 118115 oven, but that doesn't make them biscuits" - you can say whatever you want about something, but that doesn't change what it is. "cold as a well digger's knee"

Quotes and Sayings - Colloquialisms Part 1

Written by Lisa Jay

ku'lowkeweeu'lizum [n] a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech, an expression, a local or regional dialect expression. 

I always remember my grandparents using such colorful quotes and sayings when I was growing up. Later, when I married my husband, we spent time with his grandparents and they had a different set of quotes and sayings that were equally as expressive yet with a southern twist. Some of these colloquialisms are a little crude, vulgar and to some, offensive. We chose to include these quotes and sayings as well asrepparttar clean colloquialisms just because they are also part of our culture.

Not too smart - Dumb

"a few kangaroos short inrepparttar 118080 top paddock" "dumb as a load of coal" "two sandwiches short of a picnic" "notrepparttar 118081 sharpest tool inrepparttar 118082 shed" "one brick shy of a full load" "toys inrepparttar 118083 attic" "the lights are on but there's nobody home" "notrepparttar 118084 sharpest knife inrepparttar 118085 drawer" "notrepparttar 118086 brightest bulb onrepparttar 118087 string" "one French fry short of a Happy Meal" "one donut short of a dozen" "he couldn't make a noun and a verb agree if his life depended on it" "if brains were dynamite, he'd be dangerous" "he's a quart low inrepparttar 118088 crankcase" "so dumb he couldn't hitrepparttar 118089 broad side ofrepparttar 118090 barn" "dumb as a rock" "if you had a brain you'd be dangerous!" "can't put a square peg in a round hole" "that boy's always going to be a day late and a dollar short" "dumber than a sled rack" "dumber than a sledge hammer" "dumber'n dirt" "dumber than a June bug on a string" "dumber than a box of rocks" "too dumb to pound sand in a rat hole" "slow as mud" "ain't got both oars inrepparttar 118091 water" "porch light is on, but there ain't nobody home" "so confused he don’t know whether to scratch his watch or wind his behind" "dumber than a box of rocks" "if you were twice as smart, you would be a half-wit" "dumb as a post" "the engine's runnin' but ain't nobody driving" "two bricks shy of a full load" "he's crazier than a road-runnin' lizard" "crazy as a loon" "if all his brains were dynamite, he couldn't blow his nose" "dumb as a stump" "smart as a whip"


"blind as a bat" "if it was a snake it'd've bit me" "a blind man could see that with his cane" "Ray Charles could see that"

Exclamation - Excitement

"grate day-in-na mawnin!!" - great day inrepparttar 118092 morning! "well, I'll swan!" "slick as a whistle!" - said when something went well "hell in a hand basket" - going to pot "going to pot" - going to hell "I'll be cow kicked by a mule!" "wouldn't that just dill your pickle?" - Used to express dismay over something that has or might happen. "wicked awesome!" "wicked cool" "wicked awful good" "some wicked awful good" "bless her heart" - You can say anything about someone, however unkind, as long as you bless her when you're done. "She's dumb as a bag o'hammers, bless her heart."

Experienced - Not dumb

"I like to think that I've 'been aroundrepparttar 118093 block few times, just so I don't look that way." "do I look like I just fell off a turnip truck?" "well don't that just beat all" "smart as a whip" "sharper than a tack" "This ain't my first rodeo"

Ugly, Pretty

"uglier thanrepparttar 118094 south bound end of a north bound donkey" "uglier than a burnt stump" "you're purtier than a glob of butter meltin' on a stack of wheat cakes" "prettier than a blue-nosed mule." "uglier thanrepparttar 118095 east end of a horse headed west" "cuter than a speckled pup" "he looks likerepparttar 118096 dog's been keepin' him underrepparttar 118097 porch" - Not handsome "when I was a kid, I was so ugly that my mother had to tie pork chops to my ears sorepparttar 118098 dog would play with me." "ugly as sin"

Comments Made About People

"you could grow potatoes in those dirty ears" "sweet as honey" "got off like a fat rat with cheese" "as full of wind as a corn-eating horse" - prone to boasting "he's got a ten-gallon mouth" - talkative "low man onrepparttar 118099 totem pole" "cool as a cucumber" "flat as a pancake" "workin' like a dog" "meaner 'n a rattlesnake" "old as Moses' toes" "hair as black as coal" "deaf as a doorknob/blind as a bat" "so skinny they have to stand up twice to make a shadow" "couldn't hit a barn if you were onrepparttar 118100 inside, withrepparttar 118101 door closed" "ants in her pants" "so windy he could blow up an onion sack" "so useless if he had a third hand he would need another pocket to put it in" "lower than a snake in a wagon track" "sly as a fox" "strong as an ox" "dishwater blond" "he/she sure has hay on his/her horns today" "sat there like a bump on a log" "actin’ like she's got bees in her bonnet" "you look like you have been drug through a knot hole backwards." "ugly as sin" "straight as an arrow" "as sweet as pie" "skinny as a bean pole" "cant carry a tune in a bucket" - cant sing "butter wouldn't melt in her mouth" - cold woman "as loose as a goose" "just ignore him and he'll die quietly in a corner." - said when really annoyed with someone "overrepparttar 118102 hill" "can't burn both ends of a stick (or candle) atrepparttar 118103 same time" "stubborn as a mule" "naked as a jaybird" "I hope she lives to a 150 and looks it" "she should get some shoes to go with those bags" - said when someone looks really tired "do you have shoes to go with my bags?" - if I am looking really tired "up & down like a whore's drawers" - refers to a nervous person, up & down "doesn't know his behind from a hole inrepparttar 118104 ground" "slicker (or cleaner) than a hounds tooth." "slipperier than snot on a glass doorknob" "colder than a well-digger's feet in Alaska" "dead as a doornail" "fit as a fiddle" "quiet as a mouse" "looks likerepparttar 118105 cat that a swallowedrepparttar 118106 canary" "two ax handles wide acrossrepparttar 118107 behind" - fat "two ax handles and a rain barrel" - fat "like a fish out of water" "lying like a snake inrepparttar 118108 grass" "lies like an old rug"

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