Quick Tips on Submitting to Yahoo!

Written by Alan Grissett

When submitting a Web site to Yahoo!, one ofrepparttar most important things that a site owner or promoter can do is findrepparttar 128151 right category for their site to be submitted to. You want a category appropriate for your site and which has your most important term in it (more onrepparttar 128152 importance of this last part in a bit).

There are two main methods for finding out just what category a site should be submitted to. One way is to start atrepparttar 128153 Yahoo! home page and "drill down" throughrepparttar 128154 categories until you find one that most accurately describes your site's content. Another way is to go to Yahoo!, enter a term describing your site, and then see what comes up. Which way is recommended? Well, although searching for categories based on keyword searches is probably faster, drilling down to findrepparttar 128155 right category might be more accurate. Sites that are returned on keyword searches may not necessarily belong torepparttar 128156 best category for your site, so drilling down might just get you a more targeted category for your listing.

12 Tips To Increase Your Web Page Speed

Written by Rich Vicar

GRAPHICS One word isrepparttar root of 90% ofrepparttar 128150 reason for slow downloading web site pages...yes you guessed it..."graphics."

1. Limitrepparttar 128151 number of graphics you use per page.

2. Repeat graphics. One ofrepparttar 128152 best ways to speed up your site is to userepparttar 128153 same graphics on every page. Once a graphic has loaded, it doesn't have to load again as it is stored in a computer's cache.

3. Compressing your images is one ofrepparttar 128154 best ways to get a faster-loading web page. You can usually reduce a GIF or JPEG image by 40% to 50% without losing any significant definition or sharpness. Try:


4. Use a thumbnail instead of 900lb gorilla of a graphic. Ifrepparttar 128155 visitor is interested she can clickrepparttar 128156 thumbnail for a larger graphic.

5. Reducerepparttar 128157 number of colours you use in graphics. Just using a handful of colours will still deliver great graphics at a fraction ofrepparttar 128158 size. JPEG files, commonly used for photos, require thousands of colours. A GIF file, used for drawings and simpler graphics, can be compressed to include only a few colours.

6. Include height and width on images - This allowsrepparttar 128159 browser to "pre-allocate"repparttar 128160 space forrepparttar 128161 graphic onrepparttar 128162 display, and will speed uprepparttar 128163 page download. In addition, if ALT tags (this is text to describerepparttar 128164 image) are included withrepparttar 128165 images, then something will display even ifrepparttar 128166 image does not display. This is particularly relevant to those who switch off images on their browser.

HTML 7. Spaces and redundant tags in HTML add torepparttar 128167 size of files. Try to eliminate as much ofrepparttar 128168 superfluous coding as you can. Most pages can be reduced by 15% to 25% just by taking out redundant coding. If your HTML Coder has a "clean code" function use it. Alternatively, tryrepparttar 128169 HTML Optimiser at:

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