Questions to ask yourself to prevent costly errors on your printing jobs

Written by Granny's Mettle

I remember having to write about an article on how your graphic designer can cost you money. Sure, your graphic designer can have allrepparttar blame when you find out later that your material cannot be run throughrepparttar 102915 press right away because there are changes to make and errors to correct.

However, you asrepparttar 102916 client may also prevent errors from happening, especially costly ones, when you yourself are aware of several things atrepparttar 102917 onset ofrepparttar 102918 job.

I foundrepparttar 102919 following questions from another designer helpful when dealing with printing projects. I would like to share it with you:

To check on configuration and presentation, were you able to do a "dummy" or a mock up of your job?

Can we print on a smaller press, and thus save money if we changerepparttar 102920 dimensions ofrepparttar 102921 job?

Are you sure aboutrepparttar 102922 quantity? (Re-runs cost lots more than extended first runs.)

Hasrepparttar 102923 job been proof-read by several people before press time? Different sets of eyes see different sides torepparttar 102924 job.

Arerepparttar 102925 photos inrepparttar 102926 document checked, or retouched? Some photos need to be retouched because color prints can get darker after scanning; large reductions make shadow areas heavier.

Do you need a color key as well as a blueprint? Blueprints do not always indicate color breaks and trapping clearly.

Isrepparttar 102927 paper opacity sufficient or will there be see-throughs inrepparttar 102928 job? Isrepparttar 102929 texture ofrepparttar 102930 paper alright or willrepparttar 102931 job have to be laser-printed afterwards?

Is there a stock that we can substitute to save money but still look as good?

The Secrets to Success Discovered Through Self-Promotion

Written by Debbie Allen

The Secrets to Success Discovered Through Self-Promotion

It amazed me to discover that over 87 percent ofrepparttar people I surveyed felt extremely uncomfortable withrepparttar 102914 concept of self-promotion. Many of these same people hold themselves back from too many missed opportunities to become successful because of it.

Where didrepparttar 102915 fear of self-promotion come from? Many learnedrepparttar 102916 opposite from their parents as they were growing up. They where taught to believe that it was not polite to talk about themselves; if they do, it will come across as pushy, rude or they will appear to have a big ego.

Some parents may have taught that, and also said, "Go out inrepparttar 102917 world on your own and be successful." This combo-belief goes againstrepparttar 102918 grain of all sales and marketing success!

How can you be successful if you don't tell others what you do and how you can help them? You can't! If you don't self-promotion, you are holding yourself back from too many missed opportunities andrepparttar 102919 success that you truly deserve!

Undeniably, there is unethical self-promotion. We've all witnessed it, and maybe even lost business to it. But unethical or ineffective self-promotion is not what we're discussing.

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