Quality Matters in Fly Reels

Written by Brett Fogle

Like everything else in this world, quality matters when trout fishing. If all you will ever do is fish for small trout and pan fish, virtually any cheap fly reel will work just fine. In these situations, all a reel really does is to serve as a place to hold fly line. And even a cheap reel does this task ok.

Unfortunately, this all changes once you get a large fish onrepparttar other end of your fly line. Ifrepparttar 133022 fly reel you are using is not well made with precision parts,repparttar 133023 line will come out with uneven tension orrepparttar 133024 fly reel may seize up altogether. The reason cheap fly reels are inexpensive is because of what is inside them. Most cheap reels haverepparttar 133025 cheapest types of parts that can be found. These parts break when least desirable and wear out very quickly. Remember, a fly reel has moving parts inside it. A cheap fly reel will quickly begin to wear out, often only after a year or two of moderate fishing. And it can fail miserably if you get a large fish onrepparttar 133026 end ofrepparttar 133027 line.

A high quality fly reel will truly last a lifetime. A good quality fly reel, while it may not last a lifetime, will last many, many years and will provide reliable duty inrepparttar 133028 field. A very high quality fly reel will run around two hundred dollars or more. A good quality fly reel will be inrepparttar 133029 hundred-dollar range. A cheap fly reel will be less than fifty dollars. To me, at least, it makes sense to spend a little bit more now so that you don't end up having to buy another reel two years downrepparttar 133030 road or to have a fishing trip ruined by malfunctioning gear.

Discover Snowshoeing

Written by Joanna Gerber www.winter-vacations-ontario.com

Snowshoeing. The idea of exploration inrepparttar way of long forgotten inhabitants ofrepparttar 133021 winter landscape,repparttar 133022 way of first Indian tribes and laterrepparttar 133023 pioneers way, is quite exciting in it’s simplicity.

With over 6000 years of history we can say that snowshoeing is tried and true way to venture intorepparttar 133024 snow covered, beauty ofrepparttar 133025 winter season. To be able to go ontorepparttar 133026 secluded trail and experiencerepparttar 133027 breathtaking views andrepparttar 133028 peace they offer, is like discovering new passion hidden deep within your soul.

...My very first experience with snowshoeing is remembered with a smile, sometimes a laugh. I discovered, and was amazed by snowshoeing back in Poland, while onrepparttar 133029 two week trip with scout group of first year, medical students. Being only 15, andrepparttar 133030 youngest one inrepparttar 133031 group, I looked up to all of those great scouts that agreed to take us kids, with them to explore and enjoyrepparttar 133032 winter inrepparttar 133033 Polish Carpathian Region. While on a day outing, we took a break, and happy to be free of huge backpacks, enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate byrepparttar 133034 fire. Whenrepparttar 133035 break was over, we were getting ready to getrepparttar 133036 backpacks up and on each other backs. (we are talking HUGE equipment here) Well, instead of putting my snowshoes on first, I stepped ofrepparttar 133037 solid trail to reach for my load and... ended up stack inrepparttar 133038 snow up to my hip.

It took a while for our older companions to pick themselves up, after rolling inrepparttar 133039 snow and laughing hysterically, finally they pulled themselves together and pulled me out ofrepparttar 133040 snow, helped me withrepparttar 133041 snowshoes and loadedrepparttar 133042 heavy backpack on my back, so we could be on our way... Needless to say, there was some more hysterical laughter, after we got back torepparttar 133043 base, when everyone else heard about my little adventure onrepparttar 133044 trail...

Soon after that we came to frozen Canada and I stayed inside for more then a decade. How sorry I am now, that I did.

Only recently I discovered how beautiful Canadian winters truly are. Sure, I indulge myself with a week of hot sun, down south, somewhere inrepparttar 133045 middle of February, by most of my winter is spend onrepparttar 133046 slopes or trails of glories Ontario.

In a way,repparttar 133047 residents of Ontario are quite lucky, havingrepparttar 133048 luxury of a long winter, we can choose to userepparttar 133049 cold season for our benefit. Some of us still spend that time indoors, hibernating, and being afraid ofrepparttar 133050 cold, but they too, eventually discover that they could be playing outside inrepparttar 133051 snow.

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