Putting Your Game Plan Together

Written by Lois R. Thompson

Inrepparttar last chapter Getting Your Priorities Straight, you learned how to develop a vision and goal for your life.

In this chapter we will talk more in depth about creating your goals. Once again, a lot of this information will be repeated several times.

Are you shooting inrepparttar 122586 dark or do you have a well-organized and effective game plan in place for achieving your life's goals?

Let us say that you have been planningrepparttar 122587 vacation of your dreams. You find yourself so excited that you pass most of your time daydreaming aboutrepparttar 122588 fun you will haverepparttar 122589 things you will do on your trip rather than making a detailed plan. The departure date rolls around and you are all packed and ready to go. You arrive safely atrepparttar 122590 airport only to realize that you cannot find your departure gate because you do not know what your flight number is and to make matters worse - you cannot remember what airline you booked with. At this point you are not even sure if you were to fly to Vienna first or to Geneva. This isrepparttar 122591 beginning of your dream vacation of a lifetime.

Of course, you would never actually allow such a scenario for your dream vacation. Yet, so many people treat their business in just that manner. Lack of planning and disorganization combined will not producerepparttar 122592 results we desire.

Putting you game plan together is a critical element to your success. Your game plan is simply your business plan. Consider your game planrepparttar 122593 foundation of your business. Without a foundationrepparttar 122594 business cannot stand.

To formulate your game plan you need to create a workable plan and then you need to CONSISTENTLY work that plan. Creating this plan will be one ofrepparttar 122595 most rewarding things you ever do. You will feel a sense of accomplishment when you can seerepparttar 122596 fruits of your labor after working your plan. There is something very satisfying about making a commitment, sticking with it and seeingrepparttar 122597 results.

Most people who start a business online do so by leaping in, without any real commitment, a sense of direction or any real understanding ofrepparttar 122598 implications associated with success or failure. Many gain that understanding later, usually at a great cost.

Most ofrepparttar 122599 Web’s “Newbies” are excited aboutrepparttar 122600 obvious potential of “Working From Home…Income Potential”, but don’t have a clue as to how they can turn that potential into real income. Onrepparttar 122601 other hand, there arerepparttar 122602 “Professionals” who have masteredrepparttar 122603 critical skills that bridgerepparttar 122604 huge gap between potential and reality.

Whilerepparttar 122605 Professional are busy mastering their skills and reaping great wealth,repparttar 122606 Newbies most of whom are barely earning enough to maintain their online expenses) are becoming discouraged byrepparttar 122607 lack of accomplishment and consequently jump from one business opportunity torepparttar 122608 next in utter frustration.

Currently, I spend a good deal of time in New York where there are tons of skyscrapers. Can you imagine what would happen ifrepparttar 122609 visionaries who developed those skyscrapers did not takerepparttar 122610 time to develop a plan or a blueprint to layrepparttar 122611 foundation for each of those skyscrapers? The end result would be unspeakable. The same is true for your business. If it is to lastrepparttar 122612 test of time and achieve your goal, you will be required to lay your foundation.

So, get yourself a cup of tea, hitrepparttar 122613 recliner and get your notebook ready. You’re going to write a few things down. Do not forget it is important to write things down as writing some how locks things in more than just thinking about them. It is after all, scientifically proven thatrepparttar 122614 exercise of writing has a significant effect onrepparttar 122615 neurological system.

You game plan should be clear, simple and direct. Its focus should be on where you are going, when you will arrive there and by what means you will get there. Remember, you are going to need to journal for this.

Are you ready? Great! Let’s get started!

Formulating Your Plan

Know thatrepparttar 122616 game plan that you commit to will set you free if you take action and give it your best effort.

At first you will formulate a long-term plan. Then working backward from that long-term plan you will create a daily plan. You will know exactly what you want and see clearly how you are going get it.

Construction ofrepparttar 122617 plan:

Write in your journal exactly where you would like to be in 5 years. Immediately under that write in big bold letters, “I COMMIT TO DOING WHAT IS REQUIRED OF ME TO ACCOMPLISH MY GOALS”. Keep things simple. In constructing you plan you are going to begin working backward from a long-term plan to a daily plan. You need to create a list daily – your “Things To Do Today” list. With this you will know exactly what is required of you on a daily basis to get where you want to be and how you are going to go about getting on there in small steps.

Managing Your Downline

Written by Cas Amato

So, you've joined that great money making scheme, and you've even got a few members in your downline. So, now what? How do you keep your sign-ups interested and working for you? And, yes, I DO mean working for you. When you start out on a program, you are effectively becomingrepparttar MD of your own organisation, and all of those below you need your motivation, guidance and assistance if they are to make money for themselves and, in turn, make money for you.

The biggest mistake you can probably make is to think that once you've got your sign-up,repparttar 122585 hard work is over. You've got your sign-up and you've made a couple of dollars, so why worry? Well, as any experienced marketer will tell you, a sign-up commission is fine, butrepparttar 122586 real bucks are made when your sign-ups start signing up, andrepparttar 122587 residual bonuses start pouring in. Therefore, when you've recruited someone into your program,repparttar 122588 work has only just begun.

One ofrepparttar 122589 biggest problems you will find is that people join your scheme, and then do nothing. It is surprising, but as much as 90% of your downline will probably remain inactive. So, why do these people join? Well, there can be many reasons. Some people join programs out of curiosity, some to getrepparttar 122590 freebies that were on offer, whilst others just don't know what they're doing!

It's up to you, therefore, to motivate your recruits into action. Now, this is not necessarily as difficult as it may seem, provided that you rememberrepparttar 122591 3 golden rules:

1. Communication. 2. Communication. 3. Communication.

There is nothing worse than joining a new program and being left to it with no advice or help from anyone. So, it is important to start off onrepparttar 122592 right footing, by communicating with your new program member fromrepparttar 122593 outset - and keep it going. Here are 5 ways that you can achieve this.

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